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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Hi there. Hope you have had a great festive time. How about @Nazalassa? Have you had a good one?
  2. B2, boom I sunk your Battleship. Geyser.
  3. Banned for not expecting the Spanish inquisition.
  4. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???????????????????????????????????? Things that get moved by the wind don't affect climate change. Things that push air do. Mostly temperature changes causing high pressure and low pressure zones that air rushes from and to. Cause extreme weather patterns. Build ups of airborn pollution trap solar radiation in some places while weaknesses in the ozone layer allow more radiation in in others. So more violent shifts as the atmosphere tries to even out. This causes extremes in temperature both extreme heat and extreme cold, mixed with high moisture content. The exteme freezing can be witnessed in the news reports coming out of the USA at the moment. While massive floods and land slips due to over saturation can be seen in Australia and Europe. Wind turbines can take advantage of all this air movement to create power. That power can be used to split water into Hydrogen and Oxygen which can be stored and ignited to produce power in other places with only water as a by product. Nuclear material needs to be excavated from deep in the ground by machines that pollute. It then needs heavy engineering to be stored and utilised after which it needs more machines and engineering to safely store its waste deep under ground and in water filled containment. Just because it doesn't release particulate matter into the air, doesn't make it clean. So I think the turbines are the easier solution. Hope you are having a good festive season.
  5. Sorry, but they only serve that in Jebs Diner. One turbo souped up engine please.
  6. Hello @AtomicTech and @Maria Sirona. I am here at last.
  7. Happy festivity season to all. Yes I am still alive, work has cut back how often I am on. As this game was not started at 0 I am correcting for it. I am playing positive this time but that has no bearing as I would have corrected as well if I was negative. So P -13
  8. 1: @Maria Sirona misses @tajwos subtle dig at the new PD launcher. Commedians to raise money for homeless satirists.
  9. Mods might have removed some posts they didn't like. We definitely reset when we introduced the current rules. N -61
  10. Quite possibly. Yes Use the "Edge subdivide" function to create extra vertices evenly between the vertices for that edge. Then highlight only the new vertices and scale them evenly in 2 axis so that the edge ends up looking more circular.
  11. Banned for shameless, self promotion.
  12. Here, let me just tap you with this hammer. Customer: There is a Demolition Man in my soup.
  13. Was a sign that pointed to a soap factory.
  14. Then the fishes must be doing the backstroke. If we are constantly losing time, then who is finding it?
  15. Good guess. As I have been off for days. Hello @Caerfinon. I hope all is going well.
  16. N -57 Hi @Nazalassa and @tajwo. I see you are looking back and seeing the chaos we once had before the current rules were introduced. It was a bit like the wild west at one time.
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