Granted: Now every time they time travel at all, they create yet another parrallel universe and are never able to return to where they started from.
I wish that scientists would stop treating unproven theories as facts. I also wish they would stop coming up with new colours for dinosaurs, just to sell dinosaur toys.
You need the stock animate generic module in your config for your part.
name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = Fuel (Change this to the unique name you gave your animation)
startEventGUIName = Open Port (change this to what you want your button to read)
endEventGUIName = Close Port (change this to what you want your button to read)
actionGUIName = Fuel Hatch (change this to what you want it to read in the assignment screen)
//defaultActionGroup = Gear ( remove the 2 forward slashes to have it auto assigned to the landing gear button)
layer = 2 ( this only relates in the config if you have more than one animation in your config file, so if you hade a second animation set up in a second ModuleAnimateGeneric module you would give it a different number. Does not relate to layers inside blender.)
animSpeed = 1 (best to leave this alone)
Obviously you would remove all the Bolded stuff in your own setup. When you right click on your part, the button will be there to use.