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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. 2: Well he saw the thing, coming out of a crater, it had tentacles, and a beak for later. He gave a gasp, said "Neil can you see?" "It looks like a Purple Kerbal eater, to me."
  2. Banned for scarring (as in car, automobile, broken skin, blood, look, you know what I mean, stop confusing the words, sigh) poor (or rich, maybe they found oil, who knows) desert (as in sand, not cake, that would be dessert) Nomads ( Travelers who move around the desert, they might be mad or angry or crazy, can't say, not to be confused with Nomag, That is a Harry Potter prequel thing.)
  3. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    Did anybody remember to poke in airholes?
  4. Hi @REDACT3D. Sorry, I have been working and so have not been on for 2 days. I see you have been kept busy with lots of new info and a mod to add moving attachment points. Just remember that if you want to release your own mods and they are using that mod to work, that you need to make sure people know it is a dependency they need to install as well. There are a few things that I have a different slant on, compared to what has been said. I don't wish to be at odds but all info gained is good and you should be able to to see the whole in order to make your own decisions. module = Part Should not be removed, even if you are using MODEL { model = <URL path to model filename> } Because there are other configuration files that use it to be clear of the intention. Statics files are another type of configuration file used for adding structures to the world that are fixed in place. They use. static = true along with module = Part Just look through lots of stock parts and you will see they still use it even though they use the new system. It is better to be in the habit of using it than not and then wondering why something isn't working that might still need it. When using mesh = SquarePiston.mu etc, you need to remember that the config file will use the first .mu in alpha/numerical order that is in the folder with the config file. It does not matter what you put in mesh = .mu, it will just go for the first one in the folder based on the computer filing system. So if you have more than one .mu in the same folder it will always use the one considered first in alpa/numeric order, not the one you specified unless it is named as such that it is picked first. That is why we use the newer MODEL { model = <URL path to model filename> } Because it defines exactly, so you can have many .mu in the same folder and it will only use the exact one you define, you can even put the .mu in other folders this way. Do not get rid of scaleFactor = 1 There are still parts that make use of it. The easiest example off the top of my head is grabbers, also known as Klaws. If you remove it they will load as being 1.25 even though you built them a scale 1 in blender. As you probably have already worked out. rescaleFactor = 1 is what you can adjust to change the size of a part and make sure the attach nodes get rescaled with it. It works 99% of the time. Have hit some that refused to scale right but don't know why. Remember to use fractions for average adjustments unless you are wanting to go huge as rescaleFactor = 2 is double the size etc. There was one size that refused to scale, it may have been if you set it to 1.25, but I can't recall for sure. Do you mean you have to manually change the "tool" from Euler to Quaternion within blender? When doing from scratch it is best to manualy switch a mesh as soon as it is spawned, so you don't forget later. You can still rotate, move and/or scale by degrees both in the work spaces or animation, but they will automatically be saved in Quaternions. Every part created in blender and I would assume unity, uses the world centre as the centre of everything. So wherever the top of your heirachy is (which you always keep at world centre) is where the game will use to set centre of mass, lift, pressure etc. Unless you adjust it in the config file. It doesn't matter where your mesh goes, whether it is considered 0,0,0 under its parent or some other numbers, it will be the word centre that is used. This can be used to your advantage if you think it out, depending on what you want to do. It is why some cockpits that you put out into the world by themselves will suddenly stand on their ends. The world centre is at their base and so the empty side is considered heavier. Parts designers tend to do this so that aircraft, when put together, have a more centred mass, without having to work it out. As to the correct part of a wing for centre of lift, that is based on where you want it to be. The stock goes for the centre of the wing as being likely, but if you are making some fancy shape then you can choose to have it on a different section. And though the orientation needs to be the same, you don't have to have the world centre at the edge, you could have it at the centre if you wanted, but you would then need to redefine the attachment node in the config. Though it is possible to use the plugin template to try to define nodes, and it is even possible to create empties as nodes, I find it best to do them manualy in the config. The easiest for me is to spawn a separate circle mesh outside the heirachy, set to triangle fan, then move it to where I want the node to be and copy its world co-ordinates into the config. Just remember that Y and Z are swapped in blender compared to unity. Triangle fan means I can line it up very accurately. Quick question: Is it possible to use 'Animation Tracks' to animate Attachment Node positions? or are those just baked as a static location point and cannot be set dynamically? As you have seen there is a mod plugin to let you do this, but if you want to do it using Breaking Ground robotics, then you need to know that they don't use animations. They use modules that reference named game objects and move them in game along defined axies by mathematical amounts. So if you have Breaking Ground, open a .mu from robotics in blender, then bring up the config file for that part and compare to see which mesh parts get moved by the modules and by how much, to get the effect. The location of the point considered to be the meshes origin point is very important to how they work. This is why they can move the attachment node positions in game. You can use this https://spacedock.info/mod/2345/ModuleAnimateGenericEffects#info It gives you a version of AnimateGeneric that you can assign sound to. (Just don't use 0.1.4 as it has a glitch. ).1.3 or 0.1.5 (which is actually 0.1.3 corrected for CKAN) are fine. Example of a setup used by one of my mods. The sound in "clip =" is the folder path and the name of the sound file. You don't need the suffix and ".wav",".mp3" and ".ogg" are all valid types" I hope that covers it. Best advice is open lots of configs and read what they have set up. Compare in game and in blender to see how the configs relate to the .mu Stock parts are always built to work so they are best to use as examples. Start with the standard Mk1 pod config Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Command\mk1pod_v2\ As it still has some good info in it. Good Luck.
  5. That is some excellent creative parts use, using skids for stays.
  6. If @WinkAllKerb'' ever returns to the forum they are going to be like "What is going on?" How about @Jack Joseph Kerman?
  7. 4: Sadly they are very stale and nobody will eat them.
  8. Oh Banny Boy, the pipes, the pipes, are calling.
  9. Geonovast became afraid. He expected the safety inspector to appear before dark. The team thought that massive boosters might counter the lack of struts on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into reaction wheels, something literally revolutionary to Kerbalkind. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' pitch forks and feather dusters with large torches, and wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. Exactly one week later, the inspector woke to find a great disturbance in the force - a PowerPoint presentation. The horror of it overcame him with great quantum superlinearecitation. A Massive vortex opened to reveal a terrifying cake-producing monster. The inspector immediately panicked and reached for his pogo-stick, deftly bouncing off the bed that he was floating on down the Nile and into the grasp of Curveball-Anders who spontaneously barfed. Rutabaga, meanwhile, emerged in the river of dreams. Snark saw Kerbiloid and thought, is that Adsii? What strange and bizarre manifestations appear when Aerodynamic Kerbal suffers from a ColdJ virus. Deddly, Vanamonde and TakeTwo ninja'd the cake as Admiral-Fluffy forlornly tried to soak a stolen dry bagel in lox. The cake-producing monster began slithering towards the first person to run a bakery in the best area of Dakota. Competition wasn't anything the monster felt like wasting time on. However, the mountain of cake was devoured by the kraken, leaving a steaming pile of useless debris. Boris (the monster) started a clearance war while Adsii cleaned his plate with an explosion of flavour that could've potentially rivaled the famed Tibetan chocolate croissant. Meanwhile 18watt, Nazalassa and Starhawk were hatching a plan to take over Minmus with an icecream van. Scoops of Minmuscream were flung in every possible direction, while Vanamonde insisted on waffle-cone diplomacy complete with toppings and spoons. The outcome of the event was uncertain; the icecream was completely consumed by Gargamel and the cones became crushed from lack of enthusiasm by the moderators. The inspector later wrote a scathing report; despite having no memory of previous events, it was imaginative and entertaining in its depiction of strange hallucinations and bizarre potatoes. He was deliberately throwing doubt across the entire Kerbol system as to what had happened, so more inspectors arrived to grab a bunch of managers to remove the sting of the report. However, before they were ready for publishing, the Kraken released a piece of artwork based on macaroni cheese to surpass the wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. This caused a hyperbolic frenzy in publishing the report, resulting in an outrage against its writers, who then asked, "Where are the snacks?" Boris suddenly saw an opportunity to sell copious amounts of Snacks. Hot cupcakes sold like hotcakes and cold cake sold like cold cream cups (which are good for puffy eyes). But something unexpected did occur: the inspector shared his lunch and threw a party for everyone, although Geonovast excluded Gargamel. Curveball-Anders took everyone to the local ice cream-pizza-pinball-chicken parlour and asked for some funds from the waiter, who choked on the pinball release-lever, tilting the machine over. "Funds!" he exclaimed flabbergastedly," you want my FUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "HOW DARE YOU EVEN SUGGEST SUCH A THING!" "WHY I OUGHTA..." the waiter fumed indignantly as he gasped for air, collapsing while clutching his ukulele. "Oh crud," he wheezed into a squeezebox, which inflated to the size of a prize-winning pumpkin. "A prize" said Starhawk "is worth funds." Tiredly, the waiter raised a kickstarter campaign to capture the wiggly tentacles of DOOM. A plan
  10. Should have been just statics. I didn't think it came with any set ups in it. Just check that the bases didn't revert to closed, and need reopening. It happens often when you add new areas or statics with KK.
  11. Strawberry fields forever. You can get there via Penny Lane.
  12. Geonovast became afraid. He expected the safety inspector to appear before dark. The team thought that massive boosters might counter the lack of struts on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into reaction wheels, something literally revolutionary to Kerbalkind. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' pitch forks and feather dusters with large torches, and wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. Exactly one week later, the inspector woke to find a great disturbance in the force - a PowerPoint presentation. The horror of it overcame him with great quantum superlinearecitation. A Massive vortex opened to reveal a terrifying cake-producing monster. The inspector immediately panicked and reached for his pogo-stick, deftly bouncing off the bed that he was floating on down the Nile and into the grasp of Curveball-Anders who spontaneously barfed. Rutabaga, meanwhile, emerged in the river of dreams. Snark saw Kerbiloid and thought, is that Adsii? What strange and bizarre manifestations appear when Aerodynamic Kerbal suffers from a ColdJ virus. Deddly, Vanamonde and TakeTwo ninja'd the cake as Admiral-Fluffy forlornly tried to soak a stolen dry bagel in lox. The cake-producing monster began slithering towards the first person to run a bakery in the best area of Dakota. Competition wasn't anything the monster felt like wasting time on. However, the mountain of cake was devoured by the kraken, leaving a steaming pile of useless debris. Boris (the monster) started a clearance war while Adsii cleaned his plate with an explosion of flavour that could've potentially rivaled the famed Tibetan chocolate croissant. Meanwhile 18watt, Nazalassa and Starhawk were hatching a plan to take over Minmus with an icecream van. Scoops of Minmuscream were flung in every possible direction, while Vanamonde insisted on waffle-cone diplomacy complete with toppings and spoons. The outcome of the event was uncertain; the icecream was completely consumed by Gargamel and the cones became crushed from lack of enthusiasm by the moderators. The inspector later wrote a scathing report; despite having no memory of previous events, it was imaginative and entertaining in its depiction of strange hallucinations and bizarre potatoes. He was deliberately throwing doubt across the entire Kerbol system as to what had happened, so more inspectors arrived to grab a bunch of managers to remove the sting of the report. However, before they were ready for publishing, the Kraken released a piece of artwork based on macaroni cheese to surpass the wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. This caused a hyperbolic frenzy in publishing the report, resulting in an outrage against its writers, who then asked, "Where are the snacks?" Boris suddenly saw an opportunity to sell copious amounts of Snacks. Hot cupcakes sold like hotcakes and cold cake sold like cold cream cups (which are good for puffy eyes). But something unexpected did occur: the inspector shared his lunch and threw a party for everyone, although Geonovast excluded Gargamel. Curveball-Anders took everyone to the local ice cream-pizza-pinball-chicken parlour and asked for some funds from the waiter, who choked on the pinball release-lever, tilting the machine over. "Funds!" he exclaimed flabbergastedly," you want my FUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "HOW DARE YOU EVEN SUGGEST SUCH A THING!" "WHY I OUGHTA..." the waiter fumed indignantly as he gasped for air, collapsing while clutching his ukulele. "Oh crud," he wheezed into a squeezebox, which inflated to the size of a prize-winning pumpkin. "A prize" said Starhawk "is worth funds." Tiredly, the waiter raised a kickstarter campaign to capture the tentacles of DOOM
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