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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. -32 Might be possible. Mostly they just remove. I will need to have a private conversation as I can't discuss publicly the circumstances.
  2. -35 I have only known you as the planet, good thing I I wouldn't have known it was you.
  3. -35 @Ryaja Sorry but your second post is invalid as you did not wait you individual 5 minutes between posts, A rule change was voted in on page 120, it can not be added on to the opening page as the author of this thread is not available.
  4. Hello there @adsii1970. Good time to turn to positivity.
  5. Granted: You watched it on a small smartphone so the scale of the models is very small. I wish to know what the perfect character build for Underrail is?
  6. -40 I liked everybodies names, oh well, Don't rush changing pics or I will never keep up.
  7. Banned because I don't feel like looking all that up and trying to shoe horn more facts into my sieve like brain.
  8. The question is the answer. Is the answer the question?
  9. Hi @Autochrome I ninja'd you so you are -41. Shall we get some ground back? I see that I will now have to get used to @CFYL as a name too.
  10. -11 I am unfortunately microsleeping in my chair and have an early morning, so if you want to get one more in before I go, now is the time.
  11. The object of this thread has been successfully destroyed.
  12. Banned for not being Herbiloid.
  13. They like Shakesperian Monologues. Where are the Kerbal Bicycles?
  14. @maja Hi. Were you able to make any progress on expanding to aircraft?
  15. I wasn't but I am now, but may not be soon. The @SkyFall2489 is out there somewhere. (I want to believe.)
  16. Kerbals got loose in Minecraft and are constantly moaning about it.
  17. Granted: Now the stock game without mods takes an hour to load up. I wish for more positivity. I am positive that this is a new page.
  18. -13 So in a roughly 24 hour period we lost around 30 points. I shall quote Nazalassa. Planned attack!
  19. Here you go, one plate of Kraken Legs. Spaggetti and meatballs please.
  20. Peter Piper Banned, a bunch of pickled members, a bunch of pickeled members, Peter Piper Banned. But if Peter Piper Banned a bunch of pickled members, where's the bunch of pickled members Peter Piper Banned?
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