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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Jeb saw a floating camera that followed him everywhere.
  2. They died so that they could be reindeernated. If somehow we actually create a new colony on Mars that survives, how long till interplanetary war?
  3. I think @BlackMesaSurvivor will arriva.
  4. Santa lost all his teeth because of his Coke addiction.
  5. Granted: You get a bail of premium hay. I wish to see the Earth from space, one last time.
  6. You respell so that you hill has a moat. Moat surrounded hill.
  7. 2400: A spaceport with passenger ships arriving and leaving is on this floor. There is a lounge and tubes going off in all directions, leading to docking ports, you hesitate, unsure whether to continue up or find a ship to leave on.
  8. Many cars race to the top of the hill. Pikes Peak.
  9. 2397: You step out from the stairs to find yourself in a white room that is well lit and reflective, almost like the walls are made of some sort of glass. Along one wall are 2 vending machines and a classic arcade game called Elevator Action. It's distinctive theme music plays as the attraction mode displays a character going between floors of a building, getting files from rooms and dodging hat clad bad guys. It triggers something in you, a faint sensation that the reason you keep going up is because something is following you and you have to stay ahead of it. You use the vending machines to stock up on supplies and then realise that one wall you thought was painted differently to the rest, is actually a rare window. You step over and look out. In front of you you see black, broken up by twinkling stars, you look down and see far below you a planet curving away from what must be the base of this tower. You marvel at how far you have come but again you feel the urgency that says you must keep going. You look around you for stairs to go up, but instead there is some hollow glass tube. You step over to it and feel an uprush of air. You take a deep breath and step in to the tube. As it lifts you up to the next floor you wonder what you will come across next and if you will ever reach an end.
  10. Good evening/morning @Kerb24 It has just become boxing day here. Happiness to all. Including @KerbalProductions
  11. Banned because it is Christmas, and at Christmas, everybody deserves to get banned.
  12. Banned so that you may have a great end of year.
  13. Banned because it is a firehose and nozzle in the picture, not a torch.
  14. Hello @AtomicTech. I wonder how long to circumnavigate Kerbin by sleigh?
  15. The original 70's one? I only have bits of it left in my memory. Chewbacca had a wife and child, talk about absentee father. I wish it still exists somewhere.
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