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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Hello @AlamoVampire. You once told me that the numbers are time and date. I felt silly that I hadn't realised.
  2. This thread has gone off the rails. (annoying fanbase of this thread)
  3. Banned for Andy Warhol soup posters.
  4. Banned for being past due and sticking up posters on walls.
  5. Banned due to a misunderbanneding.
  6. Banned for thinking the Sun revolves around the Earth.
  7. Does ColdJ have a fanbase? Also, try using Google to translate wdym into other languages. The Earth is a 4 sided pyramid.
  8. Top Dog Hill. egap wen kool yeh
  9. Hello. here for a little bit. Hello @Scarecrow71
  10. Banned for banning the banner of the banner whose banner was banned by banner who banned the banned banner who was banned.
  11. Love me tender. The King's Hill.
  12. 1. JFK Moon Speech. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_choose_to_go_to_the_Moon 2. Everything in KSP "IS" a bunch of math, Trajectories, TWR, Part interactions, Drag Cubes, volumes, gravitational affect and a long list more. @LHACK4142 wasn't asking to make it harder, they were just interested in how the formula and algorythms work in the background to produce the way the game responds to things. Be glad you aren't the first Astronauts, having to work things out with a pencil, pad and sliderule.
  13. Don't know if this has been suggested, but a a second persistent autosave that is every hour, so that if you made a major mistake while being too caught up to remember to save yourself, you have a chance to recover.
  14. not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too
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