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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. For my previous, it would have been good to find a gif of a hand snuffing out a nuke.
  2. Banned for not realising that my (for getting here late) comment was based on both name and how early they joined the forums.
  3. Well I wouldn't say lifetime, as you should out live me by a good 36 years if you make sensible choices and look out for buses, cars, trains and planes. (also I don't think the forums will hold my attention for decades.) Hello @Spaceman.Spiff
  4. As it appears to have no statics of it's own, you can just remove KSC Harbour from GameData. As long as the mod that it gets it's statics from is still installed you will be able to use them for custom creations of your own. Each of the .cfg files in it are just to let KK know where to place things.
  5. Banned for not saying. egap wen kool yeh ho
  6. Granted. You get green eggs and ham, Sam I am. (The Minecraft ChickenDuck is spying on you.) I wish for @Maria Sirona to write a long Welsh train station name on here backwards.
  7. Too busy creating the sounds for Star Wars or being the nostalgic first movie of G L Maybe someone who hasn't been here but is well established? Hello @Friznit
  8. Granted. You get the nothing that you wished for. Granted. In stock your clock locked, which blocked the stock clock from allowing your rock to spin and in shock everything flocked together in a block. siht daer dluoc uoy hsiw I
  9. All these images are commonly available and you can follow their links, so why can't you see them?
  10. Banned for taking so long to get here.
  11. Banned for thinking you can ban me if I already banned you for trying to ban while you were banned already. Jean Claude Van Banned.
  13. Don't be cheeky. But I can point you in the right direction to get you started. You should read everything that is in the year 2021. Stone blue helping me and me helping others. I learnt new stuff today thanks to another member and did a post to pass on the love, with pics. Where is Bevan? -11
  14. Banned for missing the white letters. You should highlight Kerbaloids signature too. Sorry for giving that away.
  15. Banned for rising to their bait. We is all cool here.
  16. Stock models are licenced. It is a bit confusing but you can't even package their textures in your mod, you can make it so your config goes looking for their textures when it is installed to wrap a model. Mk2 Expansion and SXT both use that system, but when Squad change their folder structure the textures can move and so break the mods texture call. With SXT, Linuxgurugamer wrote a batch file that needs to be run, that goes looking for the missing textures in Zdeprecated folder and pops them in his folder system, but he can't package the textures in his distribution. You can use a 3d modeling program to import in a Squad model to use as a dimensions template to build your own models to the right size and shape, but you can't just use them as they appear in KSP, claim them as your own and then package them in a mod. That would get you in a lot of trouble. So create your own custom configs that make use of the models that come with KSP is fine, But packaging those models as is in your mod and calling them yours, is very bad. Be fine on -9
  17. @Admiral Fluffy and @AtomicTech Atomic Fluffy and AdmiralTech are still up for grabs.
  18. @Maria Sirona Sup: To eat ones dinner.
  19. Granted. You just realised that my AquaCat in the mod "Beyond 1999" allows you to open the Kerbal parachute while driving and that the thruster has enough power to push you forward and allow you to take off and fly just like a powered paraglider. Granted, you are actually stuck in here and school will be no more. I wish I didn't use so much fuel to get into orbit.
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