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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. 10/10 Hind MI-24 gunship aficianado. (that was a fun word)
  2. You wake up and it is very dark, you try to look outside but all you see is rock. Seems someone built a bigger hill over your hill while you were sleeping. MY BIGGER HILL.
  3. Must be a trend going for new avatars. Space Calvin you shall be missed.

    1. Spaceman.Spiff


      Don’t worry, he’ll be back someday!

      @KSPStar was so kind as to make a kerbalized version!

    2. Stormpilot


      Darn I missed the chance to get a kebalised Rasputin!

  4. That always sounds funny to me, but yes I changed my avatars wardrobe. It is now an instructor at the Kerbal Top Gun academy. It is wearing a wool lined, leather flight jacket and reflective aviator sunglasses. I wonder what @Lewie is up to?
  5. Happy almost up to 40. (I have read 2 posts where you mention you are almost there now) Enjoy your eyesight while you have it because after 40 it gets a little worse each year (I speak from experience.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ColdJ


      1 and 2 very sad. Sorry you have had to go through that. 3 counting the days.

      Astigmatism I know very well, had it since I was a teenager but didn't realise what it was till an eye check mentioned it, I always thought that everybody saw street lights with long sharp streaks of light coming out of them. It's the having to wear glasses just to read a normal size print book that gets me down. So enjoy what you got while you got it. :)


    3. AlamoVampire


      Thanks :) I kinda enjoy the spikes on lights, idk why, but they have always been fun to see. I wear glasses to watch tv or use my computer but right now as I type, im glasses free as im about to try to sleep. Yup at 1302 im tryin to sleep lol. Such a bad sleep sched. But fwiw i dont mind the glasses but do feel kinda free w/out them too. Ill enjoy what i got as long as i can. But time will tell what happens lol.


    4. Stormpilot


      I have a negative 9 prescription on both eyes. My glasses act almost as safety goggles. I’m thinking about contacts as since they are closer to the eye they don’t need to be as thick and heavy.


  6. My Avatar is teaching at the Kerbal Top Gun academy.

  7. SE: every time you try to take a real train to duplicate, you get arrested. SP: I can transmute Steel into Titanium whenever I want to.
  8. Supercilious When a Kryptonian on Earth does slapstik comedy.
  9. True TUBM has a craft on KerbalX
  10. Your MOUNTAIN SIZED moles all die from lack of oxygen, just after their clumsy feet crush your hill. I build a new hill far away from where you are having to clean up all the mess. MY NEW HILL.
  11. Hi @Space Kerbalisation Tech. Yep I am here. Just been reading lots of new posts. Maybe the Famed helicopter designer @SPEKTRE will say hi next?
  12. Yes. Either get the latest iteration that was linked further back or grab the DLL that was linked before that and replace the DLL in your current version.
  13. From the Grand Prix mod for KK. Jeb broke a cubic octostrut to get some sharp metal to make a shiv. Why did Jeb run from the chicken when he finally caught up with it?
  14. I haven't used any Iteration of Tweakscale lately as I have been building and creating things that I wanted to be as pristine as possible, though I used to use it constantly to make very detailed models of planes. I had a thing when I first started putting craft on KerbalX where I would run the craft through a very vanilla version of KSP to try to clean it up before releasing it. But in the old version at least, If the craft had been created in a KSP that had Tweakscale installed, then even if I resaved it in a KSP that didn't, KerbalX would still show Tweakscale as mod used by the craft, even though nothing had been rescaled. I assume that this is something your work has fixed, but I haven't had the set up in months that would allow me to test if this has changed.
  15. See, I knew Mole hills were valid hills. All the moles get terrible stomach cramps and have to go get their stomachs pumped. While they are gone I move in, take over and change all the locks. MY MOUNTAIN SIZED MOLE HILL
  16. Yes. Everything you don't realise is in the background turns up as an exception when someone who doesn't have that mod tries to load it. Most mods that just add extra features like KIS or one of the Autopilot functions can be loaded past and then you just resave it when it turns up in the SPH. If tweakscale has been used you can get it to load but it will come out looking strange depending on what way tweakscale was used. A part from a mod the user doesn't have will stop it loading. Also it won't load models from later iterations of KSP, but if you know that there are no parts in the craft you don't have, you can open the craft file in a text editor and where it says version at the top you can edit it to match the iteration number you have. If you are just missing a small part you can also edit those out, but you must be sure to get both the part module and the link references. The best way is to use the edit drop down to "Find" the name of the part and then work your way down the file till you get all instances and fully remove them. Be careful you don't take out any brackets that belong to other part modules when you do this.
  17. My ants take exception to this and sneak in at night and quickly dismantle your hill, then take all the dirt and rock and construct a mountain sized hill. MY MOUNTAIN SIZED ANT HILL.
  18. Thankfully Admiral Val had been aware of the planets being destroyed in the conflict with Darth Tech and had already removed the occupants in a fleet of ships to a galaxy far far away where the fabled 13th colony of Kerbal was rumored to exist and so they are safely out of harms way and will never fall afoul of the Hill conflict. The chunk of Laythe is found to have too many vetices to be rendered on Earth and derezes. I claim the nearest Ant Hill. MY ANT HILL.
  19. I you like great builds and boats, you should check out this guys post if you haven't seen it already.
  20. Yes but sadly you carry a number of these AI antimatter bombs and one of them gains sentience and cries "Let there be light!" And now Dres definitely doesn't exist. I claim a hill on Laythe and have good trade relationship with the Colony there. (see the Butterfly Effect thread) MY STRONG ECONOMIC HILL.
  21. In that extreme fog you did indeed crash into your own VAB and destroy it but totally couldn't see where my monument hill was. Your engineers misread the plans for your Dyson sphere and build a Dyson Vacuum instead. Doing it's job it sucks all the air away from your hill leaving it devoid of any life or resistance. I NOW HAVE 2 HILLS.
  22. I commission an artist to carve the Fab 4 into the side of that hill and it is declared property of my government. MY GOVERNMENT MONUMENT HILL.
  23. Never sure when the replies merge but I have put the link in the last message.

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