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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Known issue, that happens regularly. Because the solar system is constantly moving and it just a calculation algorythm working with known data. It can shift in the short time it takes to set up the node. Best to take the original calculation you liked and see how close you can replicate it yourself. Humans are far better at reassessing on the fly and making more subtle adjustments. I have made intersects in days through creative use of slingshot orbits that mechjeb wanted to take a year.
  2. @Selective Genius I concur with @FruitGoose Meshes are made to look like differnt shapes due to the way they are texture wrapped, but in reality may slightly larger than they appear. Keep shifting the fairing very slightly in constuction and then testing it, and eventually you will find the sweetspot where it still looks reasonable but is no longer considered obstructed by the game reading it's bounding box as conflicting.
  3. Had a look at it earlier. Yes I hate having to go to the tracking station with a brush and dustpan to clean up hundreds of debris components from a crash. That is why I play sandbox
  4. I think SXT was the cockpit, Airplane plus the engines and other stuff. And Near Future Aeronautics for the Big rectangular engine mounts under the wings.
  5. If you like big and loud you might like one of my old ones. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/27292-what-did-you-do-in-ksp-today/&do=findComment&comment=3955498
  6. OOh, had sounds like past tense. Feeling sad., now happy. Now you have a pic, Emotional rollercoaster.
  7. I have not found a section in the index for this so hopefully it doesn't already exist somewhere else. I put loads of time getting aircraft, mostly jet fighters, to look as close to the real thing as you can with the KSP system. I happily embrace all the mod packs made for aircraft construction and even config up new parts with no mass or attributes simply to sculpt in curves and smooth transitions. As such, unless I released a mod pack of my configs. I can't upload the craft to KerbalX for others to enjoy. So here I am creating a thread for all the people who put hard time into their creations and would like to Proudly show them off for others to see. Doesn't matter if you are pure stock or modified through the roof. Feel free to display your work here.
  8. @ZinkBot Looks like they were all separating to go on their own individual missions
  9. I had an Idea. Which unfortunatel wasn't in @Angel-125 s knowledge base. That is in the case of knowing how to make the Kerbals RCS pack be able to come out in water. As all the space afficianados would know. NASA would train their Astronaughts how to space walk by putting them in a great big tank of water. Now Kerbin has a massive tank of water known as an ocean. Imagine being able to practice space walking and docking, getting used to finessing RCS thrusters and the like without actually having to go to space first. I have the very basic way of making Kerbals mostly neutrally buoyant and once Angel-125 has got his SCUBA gear just the way he wants it I believe his gear has a more advanced way of doing it. I have already got straight forward ballast tanks that have proved effective. If I use a spherical mesh to create 1 and put it on the COM after making sure the engine has a weight to balance out it's buoyancy. And I have also got effective under water RCS thrusters. Then the manipulation and docking of craft in the water, as if in orbit is doable. So all I need now is someone who knows how to make the RCS packs of the Kerbals come out underwater. So as be able to complete the experience. So the gist is. Does anyone know of anyone capable of making the under water RCS thruster pack work?
  10. Thanks to the brilliant work of @Angel-125 Mr Wild Blue himself. My Submarine thrusters now blow bubbles. I am seriously chuffed.
  11. Thanks to the brilliant work of @Angel-125 and his Buffalo mod. My Submarine thrusters blow bubbles. Making custom missiles for my sub to launch was a disaster so I wimped out and used BD ones. Jeb could live with that.
  12. Or you can adjust the angles to be less stable but still give very good rudder response.
  13. Feel free to use the wing tip rudder design. If you try them you will see why I use them. allows for very flat stable rudder turns.
  14. @BadOaks Docking is hard, even with "DockingCamKURS. Good job. 1 other thing. A lot of people rely on MechJeb for rendeverous but I find that if you do it yourself. Adjusting your orbit with RCS while keeping an eye on the closest approach figures. You can do a much better, more efficent intersect.
  15. Probably same problem as the random movement of dropdown box. I have noticed that the "mechjeb_settings_global" will randomly rewrite itself every now and then. I know for sure because I have left notes for myself in the config, that magically disappear after an incident.
  16. JET DOO. Jumping waves gets dangerous so.... No more constantly going in every direction when hitting back down.
  17. I am using KSP 1.9.1 so I downloaded your Buffalo 2.9.0 Hope that is the right 1. Your's and Squad's config files are neat and properly set out. I come across so many in mod packs that aren't. I was starting to think my Notepad was scrambling them. Looking forward to your new underwater stuff.
  18. Those are so Coooooool And the bubble trails have me drooling.
  19. Some guy downloaded my stock glider, ripped off some bits, stuck on some propellors and solar panels and the uploaded it as his own. So I dusted off the ducted fan model, Made sure it was adjusted properly and uploaded it for those who want to follow the sun forever in an infinite "seeming" glide. Or pretend to ride thermals up in a slow wheel. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/Power-Glider-BG-KX Oh and my Kerbals while researching Submarine control thrusters accidentally invented the "SEA DOO/JET SKI impeller" I built a SEA DOO to go with it but forgot to take pics, so Later for those. Hope you all are relaxed and enjoying your projects.
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