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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. A yes to knowing how to move the Nav Ball. You may have noticed that my pics have it to the right. Should have been specific about the loading. That is from Starting the game till everything is loaded into memory and ready to start doing anything. When actuall playing I have half res, no scatter and generally low graphics settings, Apart from flying near a landed craft at 2.3 km out.( Unless I have "Physics Range Extender" turned on.) I get nice smooth frame rates. Just loading the game usually takes up about 60% of 16gb. I really need to cull all the Rocket engines I am unlikley to ever use.
  2. You are welcome. I shall look up the topic on Nav Balls. Thank you. Done .I have the plugin for Navball texture changer and will try it out next time play. Even with 2000 less MM patches it still takes about 8 minutes to load up. "Deep Sigh".
  3. That is why the Eagle cockpit with the Rasterprop interior is so good. Has all the toggles. Also you can put the simple camera in the nose and observe throught the inside monitors what is below. By the way, where is your Navball colour scheme from? Oh and look at the world view, you will see a continent with a very long winding river. That is good glide course. I do River Runner boat speed runs through there.
  4. If you do gear up landings I hope you added another small wheel just below the cockpit. Oh and I had originally used the Eagle cockpit from Quiztech as it looked more like the real thing but did it this way for the pure stock people.
  5. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/27292-what-did-you-do-in-ksp-today/page/2269/ Still getting the hang of linking. Look for the post by @uscespc from roughly 9 hours ago on the submarine models he made. Look to be all 1 piece models and fully functional.
  6. One thing I have noticed with all the previous posts, on the subject of ballast and submarines that I have been directed to or managed to find. Is that they tend to over complicate the matter, and in some cases bloat the MM patches. Apart from the propellor dual screw that I have modified from "Retro Future" because it looks cool, everything else is simply configing up a new part from stock Squad. Ballast tank, 1 new text file. Underwater RCS, 1 new text file. Weight belt using Breaking Ground DLC, 1 new text file. Anything else I might change is just for looks. So three new text cfg files, is all you need to go exploring, if you don't care how it looks. No mod packs needed. everything else you need is stock Squad.
  7. @Hotel26 Be warned. I believe that that resource will clash with anyone who has the "NSI" mod parts pack, which includes 77 industries. This the contents of their resource config. RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = Water density = 1 unitCost = 0 hsp = 2500 flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH transfer = PUMP isTweakable = false } RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = Steam density = 0.001 unitCost = 0 hsp = 10 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = false } RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = HeavyFuelOil density = 0.005 unitCost = 0.5 hsp = 1200 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = false } RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = Fire density = 0.001 unitCost = 0 hsp = 1 flowMode = NO_FLOW transfer = PUMP isTweakable = false } That is why I have gone for IntakeWater. And I have left it an the density of IntakeAir because it is only as a requirement for the thrusters to operate. Still working out Atmosphere curve. @Hotel26 This is the config I have currently working with Intake Air. It takes far more thrust to correct things under water. PART { name = vernierEngineSubE module = Part author = Pablo MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Utility/linearVernorRCS/Assets/vernorEngine } scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 4 node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0, 0.0, 1 TechRequired = specializedControl entryCost = 4200 cost = 1400 category = Control subcategory = 0 title = Vernor Engine SubE manufacturer = #autoLOC_501639 //#autoLOC_501639 = Reaction Systems Ltd description = #autoLOC_500494 //#autoLOC_500494 = The VR-N1ER Veer-Governor, or "Vernor" Engine is an attitude control thruster. These motors are linked to RCS controls, but are powered by a Fuel+Oxidizer mix, making them significantly more powerful than MonoPropellant-powered RCS thrusters. They are fairly more bulky in comparison though, and feature only one nozzle facing outwards, although most agree that is an acceptable trade-off for the additional punch they pack. attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 mass = 0.08 heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0 emissiveConstant = 0.8 // engine nozzles are good at radiating. dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.01 minimum_drag = 0.01 angularDrag = 0.1 crashTolerance = 50 breakingForce = 50 breakingTorque = 50 maxTemp = 2000 // = 3400 fuelCrossFeed = True PhysicsSignificance = 1 bulkheadProfiles = srf tags = Submarine RCS EFFECTS { running { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_rocket_mini volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.1 0.0 volume = 0.5 0.05 volume = 1.0 0.5 pitch = 0.0 0.5 pitch = 1.0 1.0 loop = true } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_medium transformName = RCSthruster emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.1 0.0 emission = 1.0 1.0 speed = 0.0 0.8 speed = 1.0 1.0 localRotation = -90, 0, 0 } } } MODULE { name = ModuleRCSFX stagingEnabled = False thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster thrusterPower = 400 resourceName = ElectricCharge resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW runningEffectName = running PROPELLANT { name = ElectricCharge ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } PROPELLANT { name = IntakeAir ratio = 1 resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 9000 key = 1 9000 key = 5 9000 } } MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateRCS animationName = linearRCSGlow responseSpeed = 0.01 thrustForceMult = 2 } }
  8. My sub control is simple but works. My primitive ballast tanks get filled and balanced back and front until I have basic neutral buoyancy. Then under thrust you are basically flying underwater. When not under thrust ,then I use modified RCS thrusters, sub sized and powered, oh and the originals Atmosphere curve is set to not function underwater, which explains a lot. Been a headache working them out as I think Squad has written in that they can't work on Electric Charge alone. I have a working set that also require Intake Air, but next test I am seeing if I can get them running on a new Resource, Intake Water. Which will still require an IntakeWater Intake that uses Electric Charge. Here is some fun from when I was testing. Config up a new vernor with 400 thrust. Make a small craft with fuel and intakes and the new RCS and then play Hackysack with it. I am amazed at all your UI controls. Can't wait to see how you config them to work. Really looking forward to your SCUBA gear. Also, please show us the back of your sub. What is your propulsion? It looks like a small electric sub ducted impeller. P.s Be careful with valves that blow all the ballast out at once. Suddenly you are shooting up very fast, then briefly flying then falling very hard.
  9. These are excellent, but you should also put them in my thread. Working Underwater.
  10. Just for the fun of it. I see your Nuclear sub and raise you a Zebra. Plenty of frustration, fun and fiddly bits. Now I really should be asleep. Goodnight.
  11. I use and except for the mechjeb dropdown randomly moving itself some times, it appears stable. Can fix that part by going into Mechjeb2/Plugins/PluginsData/Mechjeb2 and opening up the "mechjeb_settings_global.cfg" and resetting MechJebModuleMenu { windowStat = HIDDEN windowSide = TOP windowProgr = 0 windowVPos = -185 windowHPos = 266 <----This part to to 266 columns = 2 hideButton = False useAppLauncher = True windowVector = 1356,758,0,0 windowVectorEditor = 1356,758,0,0 showInFlight = True showInEditor = True isOverlay = False locked = True enabledEditor = True enabledFlight = True } If you have "MechJebNoCommandPod.cfg" in Mechjeb2/Parts. Rename the suffix to txt and then see how you go. If you want mechjeb in a craft you will just have to add the mechjeb part that looks like a walkie talkie. I have found disabling that config puts far less strain on your system because otherwise Mechjeb creates a separate config file for every craft you have built that has a cockpit. Hope this helps.
  12. @Snark Just been reading through your thread about making small LF powered RCS thrusters for VTOL. Thank you for getting my brain to realise that I can use the config concept to create Electric Charge powered RCS thrusters for my Submarines. I am sure you have made leaps and bounds since then but if you have "Breaking Ground" you can have VTOL craft where the VTOL thrusters transition to the pushing thrusters. Like in my Harrier Jumpjet. Don't know how you went with your Hydrofoil but you might be interested in mine. Top speed 180 m/s without taking off. That is if you don't Have the BD Armory - BD Armor / Hitpoint Tracker MM patches installed. The earlier version Gets to 135 m/s second with them installed. They affect mass somehow. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/The-SEAL-Hydrofoil-3 As for having a plane that uses small Hydrofoils to lift enough to take off from water. Try this. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/Bare-Stunt-Turbo-KX Thanks for the ideas.
  13. Man, I love the creativity of the people who post here. So Inspiring and sometimes extremely funny. Can you immagine getting out to push a 20 ton plus rocket so as to conserve fuel? And from Flash Gordon and QUEEN. "Said to General Garra: General Garra, Flash Gordon approaching! GENERAL GARRA: What do you mean, Flash Gordon approaching? OPEN FIRE, ALL WEAPONS!!! Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his body.
  14. Cool but how did you transition from horizontal to vertical? KSP / Unity wheels are physically sticks with a slippery drive end. Like running around on the end of a ballpoint pen. You can't even drive over the close to the ground pipes near the launch pad. I do it by having wheels on a rotor, the wheels are basically like the spokes of a paddle wheel. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/APC-Mini-Wall-Hugger-KX Thats is 1 of the last iterations that I use to climb everything. Thanks for commenting though. I was starting to think I should just delete the challenge from lack of interest.
  15. @Pipcard Love the custom textures.
  16. @Klapaucius. Well the first was seriously visually confusing. I was thinking that the underside of the ice shelf must look like an iceberg at first. Then suddenly you were cave diving in some remote place. In the second video I was thinking, I wonder if while you are going over mach 3 in water you can heat up and explode. Question answered. Pitty, I thought you might have found a shortcut through the planet for a sec. Like in the reboot of Total Recall (or in this case ReKall) Would have been fun if you shot out of the ocean on the other side, flew into space and wound up orbiting Kerbol.(The Sun) Thanks for that.
  17. Obvious question is how did the Kerbal get the Big ballast tank out into the middle of the ocean? Also A kerbal with a jet pack and parachute on only needs 90kg extra mass to sink gracefully. If you have breaking ground simply make this and put in your inventory. . If you have Breaking ground then in Gamedata/SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/DeployedScience. Create a new text document saved as WeightBelt.cfg Copy and paste the following in it and save. This is raw without a mesh change so it will still look like the mystery goo machine. Play Ksp. Make a craft with a Deployed science cabinet known in game as the Cargo catagory. Load with the machine named Weight Belt. Take your craft to water. EVA and have the Kerbal load the Weight Belt into their inventory slot. Happily sink. If you did this somewhere deep. Click on the inventory slot so the Weight Belt is on your pointer but don't put it anywhere. as long as you don't left click the mouse to drop it somewhere then the Kerbal will float back up and swim etc. If you click it back in the inventory slot the Kerbal will go back to sinking. Enjoy, Also your kerbal seems to be plummeting at over 17 m/s. That must have hurt when you hit bottom.
  18. Does it worry nobody that the Space X rockets for Mars look like the 50's movie props for Flash Gordon?
  19. @Araym First, Hi!! Second, However much ram you think you need, triple it it. Third. 45. Hah you are only a teenager. I have played games that only had 6 pixels, if you don't count the score at the top. I have seen computers bigger than a house but weaker than the first pocket calculator. So young one, enjoy youre gaming, because the best gaming years of you life are still ahead of you. Seriously dude, enjoy bringing your imagination to life.
  20. @Hotel26 Another thing I did today. I have good news, bad news and good news. Good News, I found Bd Armory Module manager patches for "Hitpoint Tracker" and "BD Armor" and disabled them. Surprise surprise. M M loaded over 1 thousand LESS patches on start up and none of my craft seemed to care. Bad news. After loading and resaving the craft I put on Kerbal X so they should now be Hitpoint Tracker free. I took The seal hydrofoil out for a test run and it was fliping out at 120 m/s. It seems that the BD armory MM patches must have been adding more mass to the crafts. Good news. After many many runs and crashes I finally found the new settings that work for this craft and now it will max out at 180 m/s without trying to fly. Just don't attempt to change course.
  21. Watched it. If you actuall did all those things in game then I guess you work for Space X already. Very Cool.
  22. Today I made sure my mini wall hugger for climbing sheer buildings was useable by stock with Breaking Ground DLC. Then I published it on Kerbal X https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/APC-Mini-Wall-Hugger-KX @Hotel26 @Tsar_bomba @FruitGoose @Caerfinon @Dientus @Stone Blue @Bej Kerman @swjr-swis
  23. @Hotel26 Haven't tried the direct link. But the "BB code" with end tags removed has worked on here and for Kerbal X I don't have to remove the tags. This the link to the ballast tank config. I Made sure 2 of my models were adjusted to purely stock and put them on Kerbal X today, if you are interested. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/A-wing-and-a-Prayer-Stock Cheers
  24. Thank you. You may have noticed that back then I misunderstood which way Airbrakes were meant to go.
  25. @Caerfinon This is an early version of my "Frogmouth Cargo" . Before I got Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. It's VTOL because whenever I used to land out in a field originally, the wings would snap off. VTOL stopped that from happening.
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