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Everything posted by Puggonaut

  1. God knows found it on Kerbal X . huge strain on my PC due to all the mods i have an the part count , its massive .
  2. @rbray89 Thanks for the hard work updating this again , it's amazing
  3. Revisitied 1.05 really miss using FASA .
  4. Erm I opened a Dicso on Duna , Atmosphere sucks though
  5. Duna Disco is Open "Bring friends an Booze coz the atmosphere sucks"
  6. Flew a plane to look at Kerbin , also tried FASA 5.44 in 1.1 with erm mixed results .
  7. Still modding 1.1 , I use Adams ISS to test the mods I add as it has over 700 Parts an makes my PC sound like a Hoover , 11 FPS , ok so its not great but its smooth ans playable . Plus its only for screenshots anyhow .
  8. Mostly doing testing in the Visuals side of things . Thanks to the modders who are getting stuck into 1.1 i've got this far . i'd still like to be able to tweak the "Blue" Colour of the planet , god knows how though .
  9. What did i do today ( technicaly is tommorrow inthe UK now lol ) Modded 1.1 thanks to the modders with EVE , Scatterer and KW Rocketary . Heres a few pics .
  10. There is a God , thank you so much for the update
  11. #Spaceception , I dunno lol , I Have........ 4 complete installs of the game in different folders , use fraps to record videos in HD so about 1gb for every 10 mins , 70+ Mods , Plus god knows how many pictures
  12. When you think 2TB's of Hard Drive space won't be enough for the all the pics , videos and mods
  13. Cool would appreciate it , Wots up with yer PC , i build them as a hobby for flight sims ? coz i'm a graphics ./ visual nut when it comes to looking at eye candy i tend to go a bit overboard on the system specs
  14. holy crap , I'd love the craft files for the ring and the ship , i've got a cunning plan for it lol , great build mate
  15. Found this ship on kerbal x , Wow , all stock apart a from infernal robotics add on , its amazing what it does , hooked on this one lots > The talents of people out there who build crafts with the stock parts amazes me
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