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Everything posted by Puggonaut

  1. I Put the RSS Textures in the folder , downloaded from the link on the first page i've used the 10.4 8192 version ? Edit 2 Plugins............bugga forgot to copy the plugins folder , my fault , sorry for the false alarm Edit 3 The Sunflare is working OMG
  2. So I downloaded SSRSS ver 118 Installed it an erm this happens , I unistalled all my mods created another KSP Follder deleted all the Saves an settings . Ran the game once . Then did a complete re-install of SSRSS an it still does the same thing . Ok so went back to Ver 117 an guess what same thing . Had it all working fine yeserday , This is as far as the game goes it just hangs there an does nothing else ? Modulemanage stays on screen ( only have one installed , I checked ) and the thing in the bottom right hand corner spins like a maniac ? It just sits in th eloading screen an does nothing well apart from the green ball spinning around the orange one .
  3. Aha thanks for that information , will pop that lot into the game .
  4. Finally worked out how to instal SRSS into 1.1.3 , then erm modded it a bit
  5. Great Mod quite enjoying it . A Few Screenies Have followed the Install proccudure to the letter , have one small issue . After instaling the 0 Inclination files to the correct folder , When I take off an head due east from the Launchpad somehow my Orbits allways end up at a different angle to the nearest pllanet i:e the moon ?
  6. love these thanks for the Update to 1.1.3 . One quick question , is there a way to delete the Black Smoke Effect on Launch ? as it makes my PC Lag badly .
  7. Yes Please release the stock version , i'm so looking forward to playing this in game .
  8. Mostly today I have been mucking about in 1.1.3 .
  9. 1.1.3 Starring the usual Suspects EVE , SVE & Scatterer
  10. Course the other reason might be , they had their DNA Altered so they could mimic Thunderbird Puppets . Think about it , Their arm lengths are similar , heads Move in a similar fashion , even the mouths move almost the same .
  11. Tireid 1.1.3 yer its great but........still playing 1.1.2 coz al me mod work fine in that , will wait paitentley for the 1.1.3 Mod Updates . really feel for the modders every other week it seems there flogging there guts out updating there Add On's . Without them KSP would still be a great game but with them its nothing short of amazing , anyhow sorry to prattle on...........Today I did this........ Over 1200 Parts , 1 Space Station , 5 Spaceships an a Flying Saucer...why coz i can . So right now there is 26 Kerbals having a party . An i'm gonna have a beer myself
  12. If your easily disturbed , don't watch this Coz Today I did this..........
  13. SVE 1.1.1 . EVE 1.1.1 Planetshine 1.1.1 Scatterer 1.1.2
  14. This is without a doubt the silliest idea ever Keep up the good work p:s a Penguin one would be wicked , you could call it a "Pingu" Engine for extra stupidity how a Jelly Baby Version
  15. So Skylab 2 got launched and Bob decided to see how close he could park it next to them peskie ruskies
  16. The Space Race takes on a new turn as the Komrad's challange Kepollo lot to a lap round Kerbin .
  17. Race you round Kerbin they said..............
  18. Thats pretty goddam epic . One Question 1.05 or 1.1 ?
  19. So erm after Bob made yet another mess of things , him an Jeb got stranded on the Mun , sure they could lift off , but there ship would fry like a egg on re-entry to Kerbin . A Rescue mission was hatched , the ship was built an Val volunteered to rescue Bob an Jeb ( rumours of "i'm gonna punch that Bob bloke in the gob when I see him for making Jeb late for our Date *Again* are unfounded.........honest) Val took off asap and Rescued our two brave Kerbonauts , an they all lived happily ever after..........well ok till the next Bob / Launch Idea
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