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Everything posted by Puggonaut

  1. Maybe i'm having a brain fart , but when i launch the Falcon Heavy , there is no tower animation (KSP ver 1.3) as in it doesn't lean over ? as the rocket decouples an leave the pad .
  2. Ok i've sorted it out thanks , erm yup I was using Janitors CLoset and sort of screwed up the squad parts with it . all working fine now thanks , as a bonus the Solar panels now work as well . Thanks for the prompt reply .
  3. Downloaded , installed , a couple of issues The Solar Panels won't unfold ? is there any dependcies for these ? When i use the enclosed craft files , I get this message for nearly all of them "Parts Missing radialDecoupler1-2 " ?
  4. Quick Question ? erm how do i get the Solarpanels to open ? i've downloaded everything including the Dependencies When i right click on the panels , theres nothing ? KSP ver 1.3 Also tried Action Groups , also nothing , i'm confused lol . worked perfectly in previous installs .
  5. It seems the Potato shortage has created a new export company
  6. Mucked about with a engine config so i can have little blue engines on my current fave thing I built God i love this game .
  7. Thanks for the quick Reply appreciate it . One other Question GUI ??? Sub is one i found on this thread prebuilt no scaling or anything just as it came form KerbalX . Installed the Mod an followed the instructions and have all the other stuff recomended . KSP Ver 1.3
  8. Good News Sorted out a way to launch the sub without cheating . Bad News Ok its in the water , how do I sink the thing ? Stop it sinking ? Oh and resurface it ? Killed god knows how many Kerbals trying to work it out Do I have to click on each compartment indvidually ? Its doing me head in lol
  9. Bill " Will check the landing co-ordinates for the runway again please "
  10. Well thats me busy flying for a while then . thanks for the uploads
  11. So this has been one of my Goals to build a Omega Class , not a except Rep its Kerblised . 6 hours to build an test later , it can actually launch from Kerbin with no hacks or cheats . course I do use the LBSI Gennies . There is also a oldish part from DSEV which i've modified somewhat to take the strain of all the bits spinning . A shedload of Struts ( I hate Autostrut ) later and well here it is . No point in asking for a Craftfile as I modify the mods themselves to suit my needs depending on ship type an weight . Specs Parts 473 , Mass 17,148,980t , H:239.5m W:50.1m L: 88.9m . 29 ISRU's , 13 Engines . 18 SAS Modules , God knows how many RCS Units , Prety Lights , An Seating for 25 worried Kerbals
  12. So erm I love the Airships mods by Angel125 , actually he does a whole heap of mods that I use . So erm well I wonder if I can Build a docking rig on kerbin like a tower an dock . Yup you can . I'vre hit F5 an am gonna bite the bullet an try an launch another ship whilst it sits there docked . Hopefully the game won't kill it............hopefully , coz it took me nearly a hour to get it docked . anyhow here's a Vid .
  13. What can i say...... (A) Don't Cut Val up when your flying she tends to get angry (B) Werner decided Bill was blind so he had a helpful idea
  14. Built a Zepplin...........then erm.......added Lazers Turrents to it
  15. Decided to muck about a bit ( for a change honet ) an push my PC an KSP to the Limit an my limit is 2,000 parts .................dammit........... Oh well , built a 1,00 Part ship an yer its stil laggy but it gets off the ground
  16. Assembled The Fleet Amazing looking foward to the next video allready . Quick question ? what is the soundtrack called from the video please .
  17. Montage of the last few days . managed to get the part count down to 83 thanks to UbioWeld Continued so it loads a lot quicker , next up is to sort out some proper landing bays so i can actually use them properly .. No hacks or cheats either , does take a whole load of extra engines to lift off from kerbin , Dry mass is under 19,000,000 and doesn't wreck the runway sitting there with no landing legs , which i'm amazed an confused about in equal measure .
  18. Found a Spaceship on KerbalX , modded it a bit , had to weld bugger loads of stuff with the welding mod , adedd the Alien Spacemod , found the C,O,G an turned it into a VTOL from Duna WARNING : It's loud Volume wise
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