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Everything posted by Puggonaut

  1. To change the effects on other engines , yours look so good I look at others and cry lol .
  2. Got a cheeky question to ask , the flame and effects set up . Is there a way to transfer them to other in game engines ? If so how ?
  3. 1.7 Install Tundra , go to the Orbiter Hanger mods section find the crackling engine sound , edit it a bit in a wave editor , rename it Ghidorah_rocket , dump it in the mods soundpack and replace the file in there , warn neighbours about the noise
  4. Where did you get all that Launch Tower assmebly from please ? Aha okidoki will sort that out , thanks for the prompt reply .
  5. Naybe I missed something , but in the VAB and on the Pad the booster texures are flickering , Plumes are amazing .
  6. Rescaled the Kerbin system in 1.7 ( Sigma & Augustus Mods ) so now it's 2.5 times it's normal size for a better challenge . Sent the boys and girls up to have a look about
  7. Testing Mods in 1.7 Yup that one works ( green skull mod )
  8. Thanks will give that a go UPDATE...................... It Works ......................yehaa
  9. Having Issue when I add Kopernicus after Restock . GameData File Video showing the issue .
  10. Been following your posts , there quite good fun .
  11. On this Day in 1968 2001 A Space Odyssey was released in the cinema Meanwhile in KSP “ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS, EXCEPT DRES. ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE. OR LAND IN PIECES .” p:s Dave Kermin the Pod Bay Doors are still not open
  12. It's a one off craft made by a friend for use in KSP for me personally as a favour .
  13. I'll ask my friend who ported this to KSP if he will let me share it as it was a favour to me personally
  14. RSS 1.6.1 ( one off install ) DirectX 11 , not available for public release , before you ask .
  15. Wernher " Jeb were not waitng 5 years "
  16. I'm liking this a lot only just installed it , but yup so far it's great .
  17. Built this , it flys , it's silly , hence the advert as I figure it's going to kill a few of them
  18. Simple as that I wish to use the Whiplash Engine , rename it and reconfigure it into another version with different properties . I created a new folder , named it something else copied the cfg , mu , e.t.c and well it appers but it's still got the same name in the Engine section , when I tried to rename it , well it dissapeared altoghter Figure it's something simple , but too simple for me to figure out Can someone explain in simple terms how to do this , Please . Thanks .
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