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Posts posted by Puggonaut

  1. Right Running KSP 1.05 Version 1028

    51 Mods

    64bit 4.6.4 Unity wotsit <--- technical term honest


    i7 -3770k CPU @ 3,50ghz

    16gb Ram

    Wots reserved memory about ?

    Screenshot --\/--Below


    Can I nick anymore from my PC , game is fine as is , but its showing "Reserved Memory" Pagefile ???

    Ta ^_^

  2. Heyup , just got the latest Version of Tweakscale 2.2.6 , read through the information an noticed there are lots an lots of config files for all the various mods in a one folder . Question are these simply drag an drop ? I'm using OPT parts for a plane and hoping that I can rescale the Winglet Evelons . currently I can't :mellow:

  3. Spent a few hours mucking about with one of Jolly Rogers Mil-Falcons that he kindly shared from his page . bugging about with the idea of short take off an one day hopefully in one piece a landing :lol:

    After having watched many a ship go an do a amazing impression of a Russian Gymnast trying to get Gold in the Olympics whilst drunk , I finally got somewhere...............sort of..............still got things to do with it . 


  4. 43 minutes ago, Jolly_Roger said:

    More cool vids - I prefer the one with sound even though it's not as realistic, but it's the Millennium Falcon after all.

    Anyhoo, I got yet another video to add.  It's the first in a new series documenting the testing of Pirate Tech.  It's a different format and I've created a new intro to differentiate it from my "Career Mode" series which is ongoing.



    There is no sound in space ( ok a cop out , but you try finding a decent Mil-Falcon Sound Clip then editing the thing ) .

    You need to add them vertical jets to your next version of the Mil-falc . Have you looked at GN Drive ? it has Anti-grav (wink wink say no more Guv) . Cool vid expected death an got it lol .

  5. 17-12-15 Got the Game , 13-2-16 finally land on the Mun .
    Yer yer I know some of you did that in the first week lol . but for me its something special . Brought up on the Original Apollo Landings , this will be as close as i ever get to the real thing . say Hi to Jeb everyone he's on the Mun an i'm walking on a cloud after this moment
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