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Posts posted by Puggonaut

  1. Said a few words that wern't polite..........

    Picture the scene , capsule in a stable  orbit around Kerbin , setup in Retrogade after returning from the Mun .

    All I have to do is hit "Z" on the keyboard to fire the motors and deorbit the 3 kerbal Pod

    After that its hit the Spacebar to jettison the engines and fuel tank , hit it again to open the Parachutes .

    Simple eh , we've all done that a few hundred times .

    A split second before I hit the "Z" Key


    Cassie runs up with a toy in her mouth an stomps on the Spacebar .

    Oh well I had to launch another ship to rescue the now stranded Kerbals :lol:

  2. 5 hours ago, Odonian said:

    It's several mods: Wild Blue Industries Pathfinder and Heisenberg; USI MKS, LS, Konstruction, and FTT; Near Future Electrical and Heat Control; LLL Continued; Planetary Base Systems; Stational Cunstructs; possibly a few others that are skipping my mind at the moment. I am also using my own .dds for the cabin lights on the Wild Blue Heisenberg gondolas. Hope that helps!

    Ah hell I was hoping it would be just one mod lmao , Ok then could you try an remember which mod this bit came from please


    The big round bit inside the  red circle , As i have an idea for a counter roatating Space Station and that is just the right shape for it .

  3. I think one of the main Reasons I love KSP it reminds me a bit of the Original Thunderbirds from the 60's . so.....


    The other thing , yup it's difficult to build an fly ,  i'd love to build a Fireflash replica but can imagine KSP Physics laughing at my struggles .

  4. 4 hours ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

    I like the look of those pics. What's Reshade V 3.0.5 and is it available somewhere?

    Just type reshade into google , there is a forum an other stuff to explain it . The add on is free , You need to download the installer , point it at your KSP Folder and check the Directx 9 Option . File size is only 22mb . Once you start the game and your say on the launch pad hit SHIFT+ F2 and it will take you through the first time run .

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