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Posts posted by Puggonaut

  1. 51 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    Hi vessel mover or kerbal konstructs water launch methods are not cheating. The game provides no way to launch a water craft otherwise.

    Sinking is easy

    First start engines, start fuel pumps , start oxy generator then,

    Simply select a tank , any one, do note there are fast fill pumps and slow fill pumps, the gui indicates which is which. 

    using right click select flood tanks, when vessel has submerged until deck is almost awash, select stop , make sure all is good, ( this step will not be required when you have used it a few tiimes) 

    now select a slow fill pump and select trim down, once deck has submerged you will find that any fwd motion in combination with trim or dive planes will cause the sub to dive,  with practice however all the subs can achieve neutral buoyancy and hang motionless below the surface.

    Disclaimer obviously i have not tested every single possible way there is to assemble all of these parts , and how the sub responds depends on how the sub is built or scaled

    If you leave any fill  pump switched on and all the tanks are filled the sub will sink to the bottom. 

    In simple terms anything marked pump in will add ballast .. anything marked pump out will remove it.

    I suggest enabling advanced tweakables as fine attitude control can be achieved using those options , though if advanced tweakables is also cheating perhaps this is the wrong mod for you. 

    Thanks for the quick Reply appreciate it .

    One other Question GUI ???

    Sub is one i found on this thread prebuilt no scaling or anything just as it came form KerbalX .

    Installed the Mod an followed the instructions and have all the other stuff recomended .

    KSP Ver 1.3

  2. So this has been one of my Goals to build a Omega Class , not a except Rep its Kerblised .

    6 hours to build an test later , it can actually launch from Kerbin with no hacks or cheats . course I do use the LBSI Gennies . There is also a oldish part from DSEV which i've modified somewhat to take the strain of all the bits spinning . A shedload of Struts ( I hate Autostrut ) later and well here it is . No point in asking  for a Craftfile as I modify the mods themselves to suit my needs depending on ship type an weight .

    Parts 473 ,
    Mass 17,148,980t ,
    L: 88.9m .
    29 ISRU's ,
    13 Engines .
    18 SAS Modules ,
    God knows how many RCS Units ,
    Prety Lights ,
    An Seating for 25 worried Kerbals


  3. So erm I love the Airships mods by Angel125 , actually he does a whole heap of mods that I use . So erm well I wonder if I can Build a docking rig on kerbin like a tower an dock . Yup you can . I'vre hit F5 an am gonna bite the bullet an try an launch another ship whilst it sits there docked . Hopefully the game won't kill it............hopefully , coz it took me nearly a hour to get it docked . anyhow here's a Vid .


  4. Assembled The Fleet


    3 hours ago, blorgon said:

    Finished work on my first cinematic ever! I wrote a kOS script for a skycrane-style rover delivery to Duna. I usually make script-showcase videos that are pretty boring, so I decided to do something new. I learned a lot about video editing and cinematics in general. It's a helluva lot of work. Looking forward to making more.


    Amazing looking foward to the next video allready .

    Quick question ? what is the soundtrack called from the video please .


  5. 28 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    Last night I tweaked.....even more engines! :P 

    I messed with some Z-Things and made LFO versions of Karbonite's rocket engines including the use of the blue texture from the KLF series LF-consuming jet engines.


    This lunacy has 1.5 TWR at launch and 5km/s dV.... To be fair this 9-engine cluster is about as much as a Mammoth wrapped with 4 Vectors.


    I believe I recognize some parts on your (awesome) mothership that look like certain fuel generators. :wink: And I admire how well B9 HX and OPT can fit together.

    You are Correct , have a cookie

  6. Montage of the last few days . managed to get the part count down to 83 thanks to UbioWeld Continued so it loads a lot quicker , next up is to sort out some proper landing bays so i can actually use them properly .. No hacks or cheats either , does take a whole load of extra engines to lift off from kerbin , Dry mass is under 19,000,000 and doesn't wreck the runway sitting there with no landing legs , which i'm amazed an confused about in equal measure .


  7. Found a Spaceship on KerbalX , modded it a bit , had to weld bugger loads of stuff with the welding mod , adedd the Alien Spacemod , found the C,O,G an turned it into a VTOL from Duna

    WARNING : It's loud Volume wise


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