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Posts posted by Puggonaut

  1. I'd like to learn how to use this program . I have downloaded v1.1.5.0 for KSP 1.3.1 .

    Apart from ModuleManager is there anything else i need to do prior to installing this in my GameData Folder ?


    So I have installed 1.15.0 into my GameData Folder

    First thing I got with a new save was this ,


    So I chose PermitAll ??

    Looked on github for a simple tutorial and erm this happened


    Any idea's what I am doing wrong here please ?

  2. 1 hour ago, Nertea said:

    I prefer coordinating the light colour, but you can actually change this yourself pretty easily. Just look in the config files for the greenhouses and find this block:

    		name = ModuleColorChanger
    		shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor
    		animRate = 0.8
    		animState = false
    		useRate = true
    		toggleInEditor = true
    		toggleInFlight = true
    		toggleInFlight = true
    		unfocusedRange = 5
    		toggleName = #autoLOC_502011 //#autoLOC_502011 = Toggle Lights
    		eventOnName = #autoLOC_502012 //#autoLOC_502012 = Lights On
    		eventOffName = #autoLOC_502013 //#autoLOC_502013 = Lights Off
    		toggleAction = True
    		defaultActionGroup = Light
    			key = 0 0 0 3
    			key = 1 1 0 0
    			key = 0 0 0 1
    			key = 1 1 1 0
    			key = 0 0 0 0
    			key = 1 0.7 1.5 0
    			key = 0 1

    Change the second key of the red/green/blue curves to whatever colour you like and you're good :).

    sspx-adapter-25-375-1 or sspx-adapter-25-375-2, forget which. Worth pointing out that most of these parts are either thermal blanket-covered or matte-painted metal, not bare though.

    I don't mind changing it, let's get @JadeOfMaar to get in here to weigh in (he wrote the patch)

    You sir are a God , thanks for the prompt reply

  3. Love this mod , great to see it updated like this , the part choice is amazing

    One question for you though ?


    The PXL-2A Conical Adapter , how is named in the configuration files ? or  which one is it lol .

    I'm mucking about with SSTU-PBR which changes refelctions and materials , but for some reason the pesky little PXL didn't change its appearence , so i'm maybe not grabbing the right model name for the shader to grab it .

  4. So erm after testing the Duna Rover , i thought ok lets fly it there an let Jeb Explore.............

    I did forget one small thing to test , can he get inside the B****y thing , oh well he hung on for about 5km's as he was chauffered to the drill site .

    good day no one died.........so far......................

  5. probably the single most frustrating experience in KSP for me , is docking a shuttle .

    Today though


    I've managed to manually dock a shuttle to a station . Think i'll now retire to the bar an get drunk .

    @Pak Thanks to you and your mod , it really helped a lot with this .

    Only taken me over 2 years Darn it :confused:

  6. 37 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:

    Not that I'm aware of, sorry -- I stay away from aero stuff due to part-count-bloat.  There is a stock-conversion patch floating around the thread somewhere, but I don't think it makes the wings metallic.

    Since you already have TU installed, you could try doing the conversion yourself -- lots of free resources available that can make textures, and once you have the textures TU can be used to put them on the parts.


    Thanks :)   Yep, certainly seen a few more people stopping by.  The real trick will be getting other modders on board with it, as those are the ones who would have to do the actual work.

    Aha okidoki so can you or someone explain , in very small words how I would do that ?

    Once again thanks for your prompt reply .

  7. 13 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

    That wasn't actually something I made, but was posted by @Temeter I believe.  Perhaps he might be willing to share how he set it up (tagged him, so no need for PM's).

    You'll need to make sure you have the SSTU-PBR expansion installed as well, as that is what will enable the metallic-like settings.  You'll still need to open the recoloring GUI and play around with the color sliders in there.  ( https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/releases/tag/PBR- )

    Thanks got the file @Temeter uploaded and the Expansion , it works and its amazing , thanks again to both of you


    Its so shiny my Dog needed sunglasses :cool:



  8. 1 hour ago, Shadowmage said:

    Step1 - Download SSTU (see link in signature).  (you'll also need the SSTU-PBR expansion pack)

    Step2 - Build rocket with SSTU parts.

    Step3 - Use recolor GUI to make it look like whatever you want.  (right click on a part, select 'Open Recoloring GUI')

    Step4 - Enjoy fully customizable paint-jobs on your rockets.

    (the stock parts do not currently support recoloring, so you cannot get that same effect with the stock parts -- I have some ideas to try regarding allowing some level of recoloring, but it will have limitations due to the existing stock textures; it will be more 'tinting' than real painting/recoloring)

    Hey thanks for the quick reply I have SSTU installed had since whenever you released it , So I tried mucking about with the settings and still can't get the effect you have , could you maybe share your settings for the ship in the picture i quoted to give me a base line please ?

  9. On 22/11/2017 at 4:09 PM, Shadowmage said:





    Ok how hew hell do i do this because its amazing ???


    On another tangent



    What Do I have to edit to make all the White Bits ( Arrowed GREEN ) to turn into Shiny things like the other parts ( Arrowed RED ) , sorry to ask but this add on is nothing short of mind boggling . Love it too bits and just wan't to build a sort of shiny retro 1950/60's style of ship from the old B-Movies


  10. 5 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

    The "radialDecoupler1-2" part is a stock Squad part, the Hydraulic Detachment Manifold; you haven't deleted the stock parts have you?

    I'm not sure why the panels won't deploy.  In my install of 1.3 they deploy fine.  I assume you are referring to the Orion solar panels, what other mods do you have installed, it could be a conflict there.  It could also be the situation that the craft is in, are you trying to deploy in space, or on the ground?

    Ok i've sorted it out thanks , erm yup I was using Janitors CLoset and sort of screwed up the squad parts with it . all working fine now thanks , as a bonus the Solar panels now work as well . Thanks for the prompt reply .

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