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Posts posted by Puggonaut

  1. 10 minutes ago, _Krieger_ said:

    Awesome shots, BTW your orbits are inclined because the default launch site is in Cape Canaveral, which is is 28 degrees north of the equator. if you want to launch from an equatorial launch site get he KSC switcher add-on and select Kourou, French Guiana.


    Aha  thanks for that information , will pop that lot into the game .

  2. Tireid 1.1.3 yer its great but........still playing 1.1.2 coz al me mod work fine in that , will wait paitentley for the 1.1.3 Mod Updates . really feel for the modders every other week it seems there flogging there guts out updating there Add On's . Without them KSP would still be a great game but with them its nothing short of amazing , anyhow sorry to prattle on...........Today I did this........


    Over 1200 Parts , 1 Space Station , 5 Spaceships an a Flying Saucer...why coz i can . So right now there is 26 Kerbals having a party . An i'm gonna have a beer myself ^_^

  3. 35 minutes ago, JebsDead said:

    I sent 380 Kerbals to the Mun, landed, picked up 201 stranded Kerbals, and returned all 581 Kerbals to kerbin in a powered landing of my 1200t rescue ship. 



    Thats pretty goddam epic .

    One Question 1.05 or 1.1 ?

  4. So erm after Bob made yet another mess of things , him an Jeb got stranded on the Mun , sure they could lift off , but there ship would fry like a egg on re-entry to Kerbin . A Rescue mission was hatched , the ship was built an Val volunteered to rescue Bob an Jeb ( rumours of "i'm gonna punch that Bob bloke in the gob when I see him for making Jeb late for our Date *Again* are unfounded.........honest) Val took off asap and Rescued our two brave Kerbonauts , an they all lived happily ever after..........well ok till the next Bob / Launch Idea










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