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Everything posted by SkyFall2489

  1. Wait...You undid, without knowing what you undid... But I can't undo without breaking the rules... oh no. You know what? 12.
  2. To guess correctly each time, or as much of the time as possible, by being smort. Although maybe some randomness is needed in the optimal strategy. Continuing with my current algorithm, I shall guess @ColdJ
  3. That must be because there are more positive players. But I follow cold, hard, logic, and cold, hard, logic alone. If you want me to undo more negatives, become one. Unless I slip up, like I have twice. 13
  4. Trying the same strat again. I figure it was a good idea, after all I read it in a book about computer science... Say, I wonder if there is in fact a more optimal strategy? @ColdJ
  5. What do you mean? SkyFall Industries has contributed several ships to @Akagi's space program. I don't know if they will be used though.
  6. That's probably outside the scope of this mod. the old Buffalo has some, as does Heisenberg, and some other mods too, like airplane plus, freight transportation technologies, Feline Utility rovers....
  7. Nope! @Ben J. Kerman I figure, whoever replied last has likely been active recently, and therefore has a high chance of being active at any given moment / being the next person to reply. In laymen's terms, if @Ben J. Kerman replied recently, he may again soon. Logic!
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