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Everything posted by Watermel00n

  1. I think it is Habtech2 but Im not sure
  2. Probe mission to visit the kerbin moons soon!
  3. Well i was hungry, so i still ate it. My digested hill
  4. The engines dont show except for the landerspike and 1.25 cluster. Great work! Keep it up!
  5. The puff. btw, i am making a mod to fix some of these useless things (QBE, MultiHub, etc...)
  6. I think its algae that float in jool's lower atmosphere
  7. Orbital Construction Launch of two Fuelivery Spacecraft minutes apart from each other. Orbital maneuvers. Moving everything to the mothership. All tanks in position, more tanks will launch soon You haven't seen my true Delta-V! Just realized... 4 terriers have 345 isp, 240 kn. 1 poodle has 350 isp, 250 kn! Just need to get 75 science...
  8. Yeah i know, but linbol doesn't work, and i figured repurposing it would be okay -in a sense- I originally wanted to fix linbol but game breaking glitches made me give up. So i did this with canyon
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