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Everything posted by Watermel00n

  1. Honestly, I like the no-oxygen thing on frontier.(More challenging career) Can it be an optional thing?
  2. Added a planet deleter to delete you hard work! Watermel00n's Simple Gas Planet Deleter on SpaceDock License: MIT
  3. Watermel00n's Simple Gas Planet Deleter Deletes any gas planet you want! License: MIT Requires: Kopernicus Wait... It exists!
  4. The ball hill floats into a wormhole in Sarnus' rings, taking it to a black hole system. Interstellar Hill
  5. Kopernicus - Custom planets probably quite hard to do(but it would be nice) Sigma Dimensions - Rescale bodies for realistic experience Raster Prop Monitor - Interactive screens in IVA i'm not demanding it, but i would honestly love it.
  6. Someone increased the mass of the hill exponentially, causing it to begin nuclear fusion. Red dwarf hill
  7. I trap the trappers. My hill.
  8. Sorry for the long hiatus because i have been working on my new planet mod. It should start by the 23 of december.
  9. I eat the hot dogs. No hot dog hill
  10. Soon i will make an atmosphere for dres, then no one will ever say dres doesnt exist!
  11. I build a dirt fort and observe the hot dogs. Hot Dog Hill
  12. Banned for having a complicated pfp
  13. Scatterer, like usual. But im also using restock and restock+
  14. This is an old station that i bulit a year ago, going to be used in my ksp story thingy.
  15. I just realized Linbol-d didnt orbit linbol A! Luckily JNSQFan allowed me to edit the mod, and i renamed Linbol-d to Lusbol.
  16. I could make the Neidon revamp but i don't have any experience making rocky planets.
  17. It had been 12 years since the 7th Kerbin War ended. 14 years since the space program ended. Kerbals have always had a habit of worldwide conflicts, having fought 5 in the last 50 years. But this war was different, it was worse. Massive armadas of ships were deployed only for a handful to return. In the end, the Kefrican Federation won, but at what cost? Retired director of the old Space Program John Kerman brings the old kerbonauts and scientists back together, but with the economy in ruins and almost a decade of work destroyed, will they be able to succeed in bringing Kerbalkind to space? This is a story/mission report with a lot of Forgotten Space Program Influence, but is kinda based on my old, dead version 1.11 career. Modlist: Enjoy the story! Chapters: A new beginning 01-A great start 02-Old parts, new mission 03-Like peas in a pod 04-KOOSE on deck! 05-Boring stuff number 1 06-The Anomaly 07-Project Rediscovery The Elcano (note, this is done in another unmodded save to make the entry stock) 08-The Roadtrip 09-The Elcano Begins 10-Bumps and a "tiny scratch" 11-Over the Rim Back at the KSC :12-Intercept Back at the KSC :13-The Plan Back at the KSC :14-Flight of the Dynamic Back at the KSC:15-Doppelganger Back at the KSC:16-Old props and old kerbonauts 17-Back to the Elcano 18-Cliffs and Craters
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