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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. I got the first half of the video done, except for the audio.
  2. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( Nope. Or it was supposed to play with the "music" volume, in which case I can't hear it anyways. I think the "volume" on which plays SSTVs in KSP shuld be checked with Duna's SSTV before, maybe... Another attempt? And then, back to the KSC: Well that was a fun try. After five hours or so of hunting the SSTV signal I found nothing, but that was fun.
  3. 90 more Mm to go, I probably started the retroburn a bit too late :/ :( I just went at precisely 10,000 Pm and there was nothing.
  4. Current speed: 900 km/s 11.3 more Gm to go 5 more Gm to go and one more retrograde burn I'm literally fighting with the engine to keep the kan pointed retrograde. 4.2 more Gm to go 1.5 more Gm
  5. 38.5 more Gm to go I'm recording all of this, it's going to be a long video :D According to quicksave.sfs, my eccentricity is around 90350735875248.2. And the MNA is like 2e+15 This is Science 23 more Gm I think I'll burn retrograde to catch the exact 10,000 Pm
  6. Forgot to take in account the 100 Gm sorry :( Acceleration to reduce travel time: speed is now 15,072,747 m/s. Objective is likely to be reached in about 1,700 seconds IRL atx4 phys-warp. Only 100 Gm to go! I checked this time and I'm almost sure I didn't misread anything.
  7. Now it wants to point retrograde. About halfway to the objective. Still 1.5 c and x4 phys-warp.
  8. Recording on -- check... 132 Gm to go... That's KSP's precision that far away. 132 Gm. Well, I guess this is "precise"... 10,000 Pm will be reached in about 44,000 seconds... I doubt I can tie-warp :( 1,500 c Can I phys-warp? Yes Estimated time before arrival: 7,500 seconds or two hours and a bit IRL, at x4 phys-warp.. Oh... It's ot shaking, it's randomly changing orientation. Oh, actually I mistaken meters per second for kilometers per second -- so I'm at 1.5 c, not at 1,500 c.
  9. Another mission failed due to lack of RW Wow that navball sure is shaky.. But this time more RW solved the "drifting problem" as I call it (which is due to the OP thrust I gave to the engine) About 0.6c now I'm FTL now :D But that's not fast enough :/ Damn, keep pointing prograde! The thing moves around the navball and it's pain to keep it pointed roughly prograde. BTW I'm now at 3c. 1,000 c Still not fast eough :D
  10. And the ship just disappeared Modified the sfs o bring the ship there (Hyperedit not working, "outside of SOI")
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