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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. I think I am going to download a few more manifests... To have older versions of KSP. Currently downloaded: KSP 0.19.1 through Steam.
  2. Update: Finally reinstalled a Steam client. I figured out how to start and use the Steam console. I tried to run "download_depot" on an old depot for my platform. It failed, and said "Depot download failed : missing license for depots 202203". I am currently installing KSP using Steam, to try to "fix" the problem. KSP download complete. Tried to run the command again, failed with same message. Error spotted: typed "202200" and "202203" instead of "220200" and "220203". Trying to run the command again... It's downloading without errors. 406 Mb to get... Emptied Steam KSP directory. Download failed: "src:/clientdll/depotdownloadmgr.cpp (xxxx) : Assertion Failed: CDepotDownloadMgr::BYldRequestDepotChunks: same chunk requested twice for depot 220203". I thought I had stopped the command, but no. Hence the error. Restarted Steam. Trying to download manifest corresponding to KSP 1.12. Manifest downloaded, but there is no executable file. Trying to download older manifest. For the older manifest, there is an executable file. Older manifest downloaded.
  3. Technically, it's possible to have an atmosphere near the center of the faces, but not around the edges/vertices, as they are three times further to the center of gravity than the center of the faces.
  4. Note: on linux it's likely it won't work, so if it doesn't work open a terminal and enter this command: steam steam://nav/console Except that all works as described by @Lisias (I have tried) (for Linux the oldest manifest is KSP 0.19.1 btw)
  5. Ah, if you were talking about the alt-F12 menu, I've already used it. However, even if it seems to be very precise, it is sadly not -- it's limited by the internal representation of the coordinates, which are very unprecise when they get very big (and 10,000 Pm is very big).
  6. No snow, the temperatures are higher than they should be :(
  7. Maybe having small sections of midi music, with different feels, etc. and the game decides which one to play and can dynamically apply "modifiers" so that, for example, a music gets more and more fast as you accelerate towards an escape trajectory...
  8. When you think of physics whenever you see the number "42" LIKE THIS PAGE :)
  9. I did some more calculations. If you draw a line from one of the tetrahedron's vertex to the center of the opposite face, the tetrahedron's center of mass (and of gravity) will be at 1/4 of the line from the center of the face, and 3/4 of the line from the vertex.
  10. I just did that for the maths behind it :)
  11. Let me guess, you have a mod to move the UI elements?
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