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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Well, no... Maybe @Matt Lowne will show up?
  2. Not if you want to make a whole CPU.
  3. Banned for using magic to unfreeze the time.
  4. It seems that, when you use alt-F12 to set your position, the reference CB changes first, then the achievment detection routine runs, and only after that does the atmospheric stuff change.
  5. Ion engines do not produce that much thrust, and if they could, that would require an insane amount of energy.
  6. If the KAL controllers acted accordingly to the wiki, any logical circuit in which every output only depends of the number of inputs that are "on" (or "off", that's the same) would be trivial to do. That includes adders. However...
  7. I got the same problem during my "atmospheric orbit" thing a few days ago (don't ask). The craft spent 9 hours at least under full physics, without time warp, no drag, and that was enough to significantly move the ap and the pe. However, during half the orbit the ap increased and the pe decreased, but during the other half it was the opposite... KSP's physics are the best.
  8. "Like a Dawn with Monoprop" --> won't work. Definitely.
  9. Banned for updating data while it was read.
  10. The link is https://i.imgflip.com/6y9x14.jpg
  11. Nazalassa


    Black king's out of the board -- white have won! New game.
  12. Banned to have exactly 16,231 posts.
  13. Does your post count as an answer to itself? What a great philosophical question to ask to @Deddly. :)
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