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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. OK but I bet you said -61 because -60-1 = -61 not -62 So I do -62. I need to do something else that being stuck on the computer untill the world and everything shall end. So a truce of five days -- or 2 weeks! -- should give us a little break, and time to work on our worldmap, history of Positives and Negatives, etc. (like page 120 or something)
  2. -60 Only 15 to go. I propose a true Truce of like five days at the end of this battle.
  3. -58 Oh and, I have an idea to be able to play KSP despite my black screen problem... Will be bizarre, weird and strange, but I think it would work.
  4. They are one, we are three. Let's call @Souptime back, and @Akagi to be sure to win! -52 progressing in progress...
  5. -37 Next post breaks the record if it's not Positive. Also anyone knows how to put the forums into dark mode? I tried with Stylish but I could not make it work. positives when coming back: "Uuuuuuh the Negatives has gone wild."
  6. The 3rd Number War! Back in Action! Strangely, there are more moderators to post on this thread than "standard" members. Interesting.
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