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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Maybe I'll make another, flatter, not-pixel-precise theme after I'll have "finished" Naztheme. Maybe. I found an old thread about retheme-ing (??) KSP, which has screenshots from which we (mostly you ) can draw inspiration; I'll put it here: I have to go, UI elements are waiting :D
  2. ... how long did it take? I've worked for a month and a half on Naztheme (with breaks ofc) and from what I see yours is a bit more complete. Oh, I forgot - welcome to the forums :)
  3. My guess is that the textures are loaded dynamically, i.e they are loaded after the scene change (from whatever to flight), but HUDReplacer only replaces textures during scene changes (and by pressing 'q' in the dev version). I observed the issue twice while working on Naztheme, and it was always with DLC pop-ups (KAL editor, "mission dialog"), so maybe that's an issue with mods and DLCs? @UltraJohn said they'll try to fix it. btw, great theme! Is that the "obsidianUI" theme I've heard of?
  4. How do you do it? My first guess is that you aren't doing it correctly. In which case here are the steps to do it: Open the PAW of the KAL-1000 Click "open track editor", a window should pop up Click "add fields via [Action Groups]", it should take you to the AG tab. Click on the engine Add "thrust limiter" to the KAL like you would do for an action group. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all engines you want to control with the KAL. Then, you can edit the curves in the window that appeared in step 2. Hope that helps.
  5. I was sleeping, but now I'm here. Let's see if @HB Stratos is around!
  6. N 18 I should stop sleeping, as it appears that the tide gets back during night :)
  7. N -1 <insert monologue about my love of Negativity here> <newpagemessage>New page!</newpagemessage>
  8. N 1 I meant the bold and italic characters, in the Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols part of the Unicode (https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1D400.pdf)
  9. N 3 Sadly, the forums don't allow all unicode characters (you think they would...)
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