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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Plains perhaps? Like there are forests of petrified blue plants (petrified during you know, "the event")
  2. More drawings (from the past two weeks or so, I was too lazy to upload them)
  3. Don't build a ramp, just lithobrake. Works every time. (sadly this isn't reusable :( )
  4. More mapmaking today: the mountains expand.
  5. Idea for scatters: (the blue plants are neybiri, or something like that, that's where the name comes from) (never mind the little insect on the left) (actually, they would make great creatures lol) (so I propose the blue plants as scatters in a reference to the game from which the screenshot is taken) (ERROR: Too many parenthesis)
  6. oooh Will this be the start of a new GNU/Linux distro? :P
  7. Just realized, if someone sets it to zero, the engine won't thrust whatever the throttle is.
  8. I have an idea: Two seats, top speed 51 m/s, does not flip easily (except when attempting very sharp turns when going very fast). Technical info: It is currently at the south pole, it works as well as on the runway. (even if it doesn't look like a rally "car" lol)
  9. Without overclocking it, it can't even lift itself from bodies larger than Mun.
  10. We can do a race, whoever goes from pole to pole first wins :)
  11. Yes and tourists can seat on external seats too, even if they can't leave the seat (and so they can't change seat), I wonder what would happenif the seat they're in blows up lol
  12. You can use external seats, each will count as one kerbal. It will be easier this way
  13. So a useless update, except if they fixed the launcher breaking mods.
  14. Although it seems to be a nice challenge, are you sure it's possible to complete it?
  15. Don't forget about KAL controllers too, they can be used to turn engines off, and perhaps make a rule abouthaving jet engines in space that don't thrust, even if the throttle is not zero.
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