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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. I like Unifont, but I think it's a bit too big (at least for certain uses). Therefore: ASCII is on the left; on the right it's the Box Drawing area (U+2500 - U+257F) The glyphs are 6x11 but only an area of 5x10 can be used if you want the characters to have space between them. I already made two or three of these pixel fonts for my calculator, but that was some time ago.
  2. Define a "large lander" please, because I consider a lander as large if it includes seats within habitation modules. Even a simple Mk1 lander can is a large lander (or at least for me).
  3. I agree. Here's the list of changes for yesterday: Except for the two or three regular log updates (files and users), a change in "getting started" (typo fixed) and my small addendum to the EAS-1 External Command Seat, it's all unrelated stuff (mostly about dentistry). P.S: I'd like to point out that the wiki's intended use is probably not to host screenshots for players who want to post them on the forums. Go see the upload log for more info on what I'm talking about...
  4. I don't think you can have no name at all, but you can probably have an all-whitespace name (it's worth trying) (Your best friend will be 0x0B (or \v) ) Interesting question because well... Can you have a BEL character in your username? (0x07) Or some exotic Unicode character like ⨌ (U+2A0C) or ⌨ (U+2328)... (I put one 0x07 character in each word "BEL" in this post btw) Aaah it doesn't want my U+00012427
  5. Log 23.7 - Fuel wagon stress-test The issue was probably that I had a turn in the rail. For a straight line... Time for more stress-testing. First try: with 1 full wagon. 74.39 tons on 14 wheels (28 guidance wheels). Seems to work... And it's faster than IRL freight trains (even if it doesn't carry as much fuel as IRL freight trains) lol Second test: now with a whopping 200 tons, on 30 wheels (60 guidance wheels). I'm afraid there are not enough wheels! They're almost all broken and one is even missing (spoiler: I found it later, on the runway). Also you noticed the rail texture change, didn't you? They now use a 10 by 10 (pixels) texture [lol] in the hope of making the game faster.
  6. Log 23.6 - Stress-testing and SPH Line The tiny wheels I use can surely handle the 5 tons of the loco (or the empty fuel wagon), but can they handle more than that? Introducing: The temporary-way-too-heavy passenger car! The 28-ton carriage (still half as heavy as a full fuel wagon) is supported by six wheels and has twelve guidance wheels. (I also added a bumper with a red light at the end of the track) To test it I made a line between the runway and the SPH! Well, plenty of wheels broke :'( I have to either add more wheels, edit the cfg of the wheels to make them sturdier, or replace them with other wheels.
  7. N -2 Not for long hehe @Jacob Kerman @Kerbalsaurus @Souptime @Admiral Fluffy
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