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Everything posted by harveylates

  1. thats fine but you should be open and allow people to have a seperate mod that readds the controversial parts so that saves wont break and other stuff but untill that happens i am sticking to an older version thanks, harvey
  2. this decision is getting a lot of riddicule online this my have not been a good decsion and you should reconsider as this could break a lot of saves and that could ruin your reputation but untill you snap out of this i am sticking to an older version
  3. i mean the boiler plates tof the s4 and s5 stages that flew on the first four launches of the saturn 1
  4. nvm i have a suggestion add the upper stage boiler plate that was flown on the first 4 saturn 1 launches
  5. i tried running this in 1.12.5 and things broke left click was not working and i fell dis apointed as opm-vo is a dependency for the outer planets mod volumetric clouds config do youplan to update this mod in the future?
  6. when i try to use it, the throtle cuts off imediately even though i have enough power
  7. peretty neat i have one sugesstion you could make flag for the planets in the outer planets mod ie sarnus, urlum, neidon, and plock
  8. will this support free iva and also be on ckan? i think this will gain traction if its on ckan
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