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Everything posted by imcute

  1. ur timewatch goes sixty times faster a minmal mass challenge to go to the launch pad
  2. problem of sky dog eating sun?(i.e eclipse) (command bloc icon on ixigua) gotta give @s command_block 64
  3. print(str(i)+" bottles of "+(lambda n,x:return n+" ".join(range((i:=x)*0)))("beer",0)+"beer on the wall") print(str(i)+" bottles of "+(lambda n,x:return n+" ".join(range((i:=x)*0)))("beer",0)+"beer on the wall") print(str(i)+" bottles of "+(lambda n,x:return n+" ".join(range((i:=x)*0)))("beer",0)+"beer on the wall") print(str(i)+" bottles of "+(lambda n,x:return n+" ".join(range((i:=x)*0)))("beer",0)+"beer on the wall") xkcd.com/327
  4. mus sid.(kerbal language)
  5. nice wheatley icon!(did not see space core,maybe had a negative z/behind the camera) More time warp now kerbals eat snacks if u dont time warp!if they dont get any snacks they would refuse to operate isru,do eva,do sas or anything!rely on unmanned cores!
  6. oops did the division wrong enough to round up to the second answer instead of the third in the third qu
  7. waiter:I will not answer questions not related to eating Waiter!there is a replica of u in this soup!
  8. jeb drives his rocket powered rover over kerboiloid and says oops
  9. but dres canyon is a gravity anomaly of the Dres Black Hole(you know,all planets are black holes plus neutron star dust on the balance point of their gravity and electromagnetic force)which cant be destroyed unless the black hole is moved. Moving planets is against the law,so ur not getting any insureance and gotta pay 10 snacks for that dres moving
  10. This flatulent sponge will absorb much gas over minmus. (32)
  11. here is ur meet boil potatoroid
  12. more boosters make crafts go booom and more struts would not save that THAT'S NOT KERBAL! more boosters make craft fly stable and more struts improve that very much THAT'S KERBAL! would not work if ur doing ssto
  13. back in my day,the earth (had an slightly elliptical orbit at about 146G meters around sol (which was a yellow dwarf with expected life expectancy of 5 billion years) )and was having (71% water and 29% land) and was having 9an atmosphere that was (78%nitrogen and 20% oxygen and about 1% argon) and about 100km in height) and had (a radius of 6371km and a circumfrence on equator about 40000km)
  14. sudo rm * (idk linux except sudo so i just put smth i found funny(was this used to delete things?))
  15. well my icon was a( command block who (says searge says followed by a bunch of malicious things like sql injection in terms of javascript and banning every player in terms of minecraft)when inputted /help) on ixigua and bilibili(im a video maker) i /ban-ip u
  16. (trying to imitate fact core) the square root of kerbal is snail (untrue fact maker)
  17. (searching for random fact core messages) Some of the Fact Sphere's facts contain in-game references. A few of them are: Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb Mt. Everest, did so accidentally while chasing a bird. (This refers to Chell going through Test Shaft 09 after GLaDOS was kidnapped by a bird.) The Schrodinger's Cat paradox outlines a situation in which a cat in a box must be considered, for all intents and purposes, simultaneously alive and dead. Schrodinger created this paradox as a justification for killing cats. (Referencing GLaDOS using this thought puzzle to trick the scientists into supplying her with neurotoxin.)
  18. jeb saw a moderator close topic number 205513 i love making paradoxes and griefing
  19. Granted:you do not wish so again i wish the guy that grants my wishes grants in my desired way
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