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Ariel Kerman

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    What is an "Eeloo"?

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  1. Hoping for the best of this project!
  2. I just want to say i made some RO configs for the main Ares-V parts (not engines). can be shared along this mod?
  3. Ahh... i missed the wiki step-by-step link douh. Im taking a look as soon as i intall unity again I guess use different channels of a single texture is better than use more textures for the same result
  4. I was meaning memory performance. Did you know any source info for this? Im planning modding in the future but i never made game optimized textures for Unity
  5. Thanks, compression and texture reduction sounds very good to me, following close to this!
  6. This is a shader, but still relays on the actual textures for each part, so my question is: how do you think guys this going to affect performance in huge parts mods like BDB? Just curious about it...
  7. I use it in all my installs, this time im using the "Next" version of KJR
  8. Underrated mod IMO! How far did you tested the SEP addon?
  9. Hi everybody! I dont know if someone have this problem before, i downloaded the mod, install it, and everything seems to works fine, but at the moment i go for a launch, the whole stack just collapses in the launchpad. Im also using SLE but launching without SLE didnt change the result. it just fall apart like if the atachment node of the hot stage wasnt working properly, or maybe im just too stupid to figure out how to setup the whole thing lol ports are BtB, although i dont know exactly how that affects the hot decoupler...
  10. Oh, i thought it was the one that make radiators have 'pain grade'... guess it got an upgrade!
  11. 1- Well 25 years is much more reasonable, i accidentally find out that many Small modular reactors (SMRs) has lifetime about 2.5x longer than convencional reactors due the simplicity of their design. 2- What is SH? duh! 3- Thats fine for me, it is better to maintain all the coherence possible between savegames
  12. *Padme's suffering noises* BTW can this issue be solved in the future so we can have actual radiation shields?
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