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Everything posted by tstein

  1. I was not much of a rock paper shotgun reader, but this sentence of their summarize very well "Shoved out of the Early Access airlock before it could put its EVA suit on, Kerbal Space Program 2 is in need of a rescue mission."
  2. I would restart a new game, erase de save games) it can easily be one of the current problems with loading saves. I had to do that when all my saves started to laod with the kerbal outside the ship.
  3. well you clearly are in the exception them just look the streams for example. They cannot pass 10 minutes without a bug. I played for some 7 hours and stopped because it is simply unplayable. Every time I press launch is a different crippling bug, except when the bug is that the launch button does not work anymore (yes that does happen)
  4. Naa peopel did nto expect it fully polished. not at all. But EVERYTHING in the game except the sound is a disaster right now. People usually expect at least a good portion of the game working.
  5. oo ok So the game demands an RTX 4080 to play correctly but a scroll wheel .. ooh no that is pushing hardware too much! lol
  6. YEs the developers should not be looking at us, the managers on other hand ,should, to set priorities and make it well glued in their head that a few extra gimmicks are nto enough to compensate a broken base..
  7. I don't think he will get the hate. Mostly because he was realistic and said "let's hope" and not "We are sure of". I really hope that is how things unravel as well, but my POV as a professional is, flak should be fired where flak is due. When something is really bad I shall not sugar coat it, I will not call names and will not make personal attacks, but I will not pretend a bad product is in a good state.
  8. Engines should not even be computed They are the force originators and the force always is exerted upwards of most of the engine mass. Effective simplification do not even USE Them in the rigid body mechanics. No it woudl nto reduce realism because real life rockets are NOT even remotely as in gae so when you realism is already zero, reducing does nto change much.
  9. Not really because you should only have a joint in the decouplers. And usually the parts in front and behind a decoupler are roughly in the same mass (but ineed you do need limits on the side to avoid extremes).
  10. ooo but you can PAINT Your rocket! And you can see the kerbal inside the capsule if you manage to fight your camera and point it into the tiny window at a very specific angle! The issue of the game clearly is "priorities" To not say I am being always negative, they did made a good job in the sound system.
  11. Publisher actions are not limited to an on off switch. Much before this there is: demand of a plan and lots of milestone meetings, then if that does not work, the call to the studio and demand changes and management with someone they bring from somewhere else. Only then an investor (a publisher is an investor) thinks on switching the lights off.
  12. Failures at load and unload( parts miss align), performance, crashes, parts of rocket the suddenly disconnect and go to warp 9 in a random direction, camera gimbal lock, control nodes, are things that I would put as high priority
  13. When the general public complains about devs they are thinking mostly in the top of the pyramid where the devs stay on bottom. Peopel know that most of the fault is in managers and directors usually and not in the coder (although some blame is always there as well).
  14. Yes but they reduce the stack by half. That is engineering solution. If you cannot remove the problem you remove the frequency of the condition. The point is.. it is super SIMPLE and it could have already delivered improvements.
  15. Because X is larger than 3. It will take some time to fix a lot of this stuff. I would not expect anything before X is 5., and nothing big before X is 10.
  16. [snip] KSP is not the only game that crossed the pandemic, yet is one of the WORST results. Your company being put into anotheer project? Put this in your mind.. this game is a TAKE 2 product! NOT A PRIVATE/INTERCEPT product! When someone says KSP 2 project sux it means Take 2 failure, be it direct or indirect.
  17. The weather being bad in a specific day is out of control of the hotel. Now if the hotel was built in a place where it rains 300 days per year, YES it is a fault of the guy with this dumb idea! Beign PROFESSIONAL means you need to think ahead and be prepared. The drama of the studios were fault of HUMANS INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT! My expectations are not unrealistic! They are very realistic. Just look at so many other projects that have been handled professionally! Again look at other examples of EA, this is among the WORST EA examples of not indie developers ( indie means 2-3 people sometimes part time, not 50 people full time job).
  18. They were supposed to FOCUS better when they hired people for the project. When a project ends up with so many problems it generally is because of bad planning and management. Also yes, if there is a team member that cannot help on what the product needs, it should be fired as it happens in every company worldwide, or retrained to do something useful if he/she is willing, or leased to another company (to get funds for what you need). That is MANAGEMENT of a company.
  19. While that is very valid on an indie game, it is not that much when a publisher is involved as take 2 is nto a struggling artist. That is no real excuse. I never ever will look at bad product and say nice things because the people that made it may lose their jobs. I can also lose my job if I make a bad project.. know what I do about it? I do a GOOD JOB!
  20. The dramas of development studios are not my concern, they were a failure of the people involved so I should NOT take them into account as alleviating factors. It is as if someone morbidly obese said " dude, give me a break, I ate a cake last week'.. A large studio has more resources they can and SHOULD deliver better quality, that is not even remotely open to discussion
  21. And that is the reason I have been parroting "Give us procedural tanks" for the last year! But the money used to prioritize hiring one could have been prioritizing other things.. that is the point.
  22. Skylines is a good mid term. Not an amazing performance (still quite slow load times and leaks some memory, but the core of the game is indeed stable and runs fast enough), and a single city has more complex simulation than KSp2. DCS is a great example of how game SHOUDL be made. Little content at start but they focused in the core.. then they expand.. and they expanded FAST after that.
  23. Not only that, but the review takes always into account the expectation. Expectation includes knowing it is indie vs a full studio, includes knowing how long it has been done and includes "is it the first time something like that is made?", and includes price. There is no way around it. KSP 2 had more going for it than KSP 1, so expectations were higher. Take for example Sons of the Forest that is in EA now.. is a situation alike KSP, a follow up on a game that was indie. Does it have a lot of of flak upon it? No.. it doe snot because the game delivered the expectation of the quality difference from the indie game (the forest) to this new game. It is still an EA, with lots of things to improve (like usability), but the core of the game is working well. That is a successful EA and prove that EA can be successful .
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