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Everything posted by tstein

  1. Modern planes made for maneuvers are way sturdier than the pilots flying them. The key word is LITTLE. Little is really little. Most things humans design break above 2-4 degrees of bending...
  2. There is no need to guarantee that they come in the next or even the second patch. What needs to be guaranteed is that you guys see that KSP 2 performance is way below industry standards right now and that must eventually change.
  3. HE seems to fail one of the basics of business... if your clients want it.. that is a feature on itself. Then the main factor becomes the cost.
  4. I played eve back then. I was LUCKY to get stuck at work and arrive late hoem to start the update, so I did not lost my partition before they patched it.
  5. Well now at least now we have the answer for that thread a month ago complaining on why they are not making massive marketing buzz
  6. Well I will give them one thing. They can say "at least KP2 release was not as bad as eve online Trinity release that delete windows boot sector after you ran the game."
  7. In fact no, you can use discord web and only on the browser.
  8. When people say DEVs they are not talking about the programmers, but the team as a whole. Obviously people do not expect programmers to tackle communication, we are usually very bad at talking to people.
  9. PEople jus tneed to stop with the asa use patched connics"They do NOT use it. THeir mission planner is open source and you can download and compile. It uses N-Body (you can select what bodies to use in the computation as obviously Pluto is not relevant for a mission to Mars.
  10. Sure this discussion is not even that KSP centric, it is more a daydreaming. A game that employs N-Body is likely a game that would would want to play with data efficient interface (and not a 3D rendering of the world). It woudl be much more like a complex mission planner than an exploration game like KSP. A different game. I would love to play it (I have hundreds of hours playing SUB games were you have nothing rendered except contact bearings in a crude map and you hear reports and give most commands by voice ), but some people would not.
  11. Com on, KSp is obviously not a kind of game designed to be played for 20 hours btw on a side note, my patience with KSP 2 was of 7 hours only, from witch most of it was raging ... on other hand I bought Juno New origins saturday after KSP 2 release and I already have 23 h on it.. and it is a blast!
  12. In some games it makes sense, but DC calculations are indeed a bit out of reach for anyone that is not an engineer. That in fact is a good sign, because they can optmize something they control completely True, but there is no excuse for KSP 2 have far worse performance rendering terrain than DCS (That has far far more details and far more complex simulation being performed against terrain.
  13. That is normal in data analysis. When you have a data source that is so predominant over others can reliably use only that source and apply a correction coefficient upon it. i.e You can compare Steam numbers of game A with steam numbers of game B and you will have a pretty good comparative analysis. EA usually sells way less than true releases.
  14. TRully a desktop is better, but KSP audience is not made of mostly teens and young adults as most games. Older people with families have a hard time surviving the experience of explaining the wife WHY they need a desktop in the living room.
  15. My point remaisn, in portuguese we say "A Terra" and "A lua" for Terra and Luna, but we speak Marte, Venus, Jupiter for mars, venus, jupiter... without any article. Terra and Luna are exception to the rule in several languages.
  16. Usually yes, and that is why VERY early Access usually is a dangerous thing. Most people do not read the EA tag, most people never ever read this forum, most people that browse on steam do not even knwo that science adn interstellar will come later. Most people do not stop to research before making a rejection. That is why it is important to have the least obtuse bugs as possible
  17. For me it is similar, but upside down and with a direction of rotation locked. When it happens I need to close the game and restart it.
  18. You are right on that, Cyberpunk had to pull a whole anime to have a second release, not many can do that. That said, public is weird, sometimes you create a "Free expansion" with a different sub tittle and pack a lot of fixes and a few features and that magically is taken as a second chance.
  19. That reminded me when I managed a team in health tech , we issued computers for the developers that matched the most common computers the Doctors had, no not high end stuff, because I wanted the devs to FEEL when the things was slipping into dangerous performance zone. It was impressively effective as the developers never let performance slip away.
  20. GTX 1050 4 GB (just one gen before ) doing literally 3 FPS with a single part in launchpad. IF it were 12 fps I would be happy.T he thing is.. this card uses so much les spowert hat it is the dominant GPU in notebooks. Or just make a LOW setting with a SIMPLE shader.
  21. Types the title wrong, should be ERASE
  22. A single capsule nothing else on the launch pad gets 3-5 fps in a 1050Ti (the most common card, completely dominant in the notebooks, around and that can run most steam games very well). so it is not fuel flow sicne there is not even fuel on that scenario. There is something really weird regarding planets.
  23. Performance is horrible on the most common cards in the possible consumer base. They do need to improve the performance enough to not be a slide show for those cards (cosndiering it is NOT a game with super amazing graphics). IF they do that and fix the most absurd crashes, problems with loading saves etc, then yes the game can flourish. But hey need to reach a level where msot people do nto feel they are fighting the game,
  24. It happens sometimes when the rocket is big in the VAB, I do a contrl-Z, usually after dragging or rotating a struct, and everything disapear and there is no way to reverse it.
  25. No it is not unfair to compare those because one was a garage product on part time and other had a studio. No one expects quality of the former, but from the later it is standard to demand a minimum. In ALL other field of software industry that excuse would not stick and it should not stick here as well.
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