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    creature who lurks! i play KSP too much.
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    the interwebs
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    birds and metal birds are both quite pleasant

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  1. i can't seem to find this specific line in Blueshift.cfg, are you certain this is in there and not somewhere else?
  2. is there a way to install this mod without the nuclear engines/vanilla nuke engine changes? they kinda irk me a lot and i dislike having to fix all the nukie powered ships i made/downloaded.
  3. i could try that, but i'd like a specific value so i don't have to restart the game multiple times to test, as i am stuck with a hard drive that takes a while to boot the game and requires all of my system RAM in order to do so due to my modding efforts
  4. that's a PITA. thanks for letting me know before my big jool mission, at least! guess i gotta send an engineer up...
  5. hey, so, how do i make the bussard collectors collect specifically graviolium? they are only collecting liquid H2 despite being in the band for graviolium.
  6. so I'm aware that Kcalbeloh is possibly a "galactic themed mod" and would therefore be unsupported, but I'm wondering if anyone else has tried running both this and Kcalbeloh? I have been trying to and I know the mod is installed correctly (in terms of actually running in some capacity) because Kerbol looks far prettier, but I'm not getting any of the systems anywhere. am I missing something, and these systems DON'T show up in the map view like I thought they did, or are these mods just flat-out incompatible as I fear they might be? I should also note that I'm using the spacedock reupload as of current, in case that's the issue. and I am aware that I need to contact the reuploader over this, but I'm thinking it's just an issue with how I installed it, or something relating to Kcalbeloh that I can get advice on here. edit: methinks maybe the issue is actually a combination of me being stupid, running a version of the game the current upload of GU does not support, and possibly other things. please ignore this.
  7. honestly dunno how long it'd take to install them in one big go, but i've been slowly adding them over the course of my current savegame besides a big chunk of 80 or so that i updated from my previous addiction 2 years ago this sounds like it's probably the right idea, i'll do this whenever i feel the need to try and use CKAN again.
  8. CKAN scares me and i prefer to manually install since i've already manually installed almost 150 mods. i tried using it once after finding a conflict between two system mods, but couldn't get it to work well enough for my needs and it gave me enough paranoia about my mods (even with a backup i made) that i've just given up on trying to use it for now.
  9. having a stroke rn as i realize there are TWO different IXS warpship mods. that's the one i've been using actually, and i'll go take my issues there, as it doesn't seem to be working right. thank you so much! edit: nevermind, i stand here still suffering from my stroke because apparently it must just be an issue from how i installed the patch for the warpship parts. i will see if i can figure out what went wrong, and if there's an issue that can be fixed here or in the other thread i will return. thanks for helping me figure out what i was missing regardless!
  10. oh, does it not run off of blueshift's system then? i was struggling to get it to work because i thought it used blueshift's system, but i don't mind installing a second mod for a separate warp system. especially one that looks as fun as this does. thank you for the tip!
  11. makes sense! that's alright then. thanks for making this config, by the way!
  12. is there any documentation on or explanation of how to use the alcubbierre warp drive?
  13. hi! i've been absolutely spoiled by blackrack's volumetric clouds work, and in the interest of maintaining a consistent visual style to my savegame i've been trying to find planet packs that include configs for volumetric. so far all i've been able to find is kcalbeloh and OPM, both of which are fantastic, but none of which add what i really am wanting: a simple interstellar solar system. i've used grannus for a long time, and i adore it, but the lack of configs for volumetric is what is leading me to look for something else. i've attempted to use KSS2, but it doesn't seem to work right with kcalbeloh at the moment. (it suffers from an infinite loading screen after reaching the main menu music stage of loading) does anyone have any suggestions on planet packs that have configs for volumetric either bundled with the mod or as a third party addition?
  14. i've also encountered the same issue, although for me i don't have rescale. has anyone else experienced this, and is there a fix to this? desperately need this system mod as i'm trying to maintain a consistent aesthetic with my savegame and, while grannus expansion pack is a LOVELY mod, it doesn't have configs for volumetric clouds (yet?).
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