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  1. I thought for a second that you were implementing a survey capability Still nice to see you in the new year !
  2. Following the primary missions I got back to the where
  3. Also, even Nate uses the wrong picture that doesn't show the
  4. Nate being a real kerbal and point of interest on Laythe confirmed !!
  5. I sure hope we don't get a Kessler syndrome from all the unfocused crafts slowing down your save so much that you can't launch anything again
  6. Yarr, let's open the solar sails and smuggle some leeks to the outer colonies
  7. Another great lot of creation <3 Maybe with more procedural creative parts we could do more wink wink
  8. So hot and cool As a physicist, I can only nod in approbation about the spherical cow in a vacuum (Also, do we have a leek here)
  9. I think it would be a great case for a Moho colony to have a power generation purpose for the rest of the system and potentially in conjunction with solar sails, to beam us to the stars. (Extreme case would have Moho deconstructed for a Dyson swarm, but that may be beyond KSP, for now)
  10. Go by replies prioritise controversial suggestions or for people to write useless replies and the same person can post infinitely. I want democracy !
  11. While having the ability to burn during timewarp is a must, I think the game should allow to maintain a heading like prograde or radial with SAS while timewarping. An exemple of it's usefulness is an ion probe with low thrust escaping a gravity well (trajectory seen bellow). With the current system you need to constantly stop the time warp to reajust the heading or stop the engine and restart it during the next orbit over and over again.
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