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  1. I have a question. I have been experiencing lots of errors with B9PartSwitch and Waterfall with BDB. When running the game, a B9 error message shows up, saying it "found more than one matching module", and has persisted despite re-installing BDB multiple times. What does this mean?
  2. I've run into the same problem. Either it's dark like this, or it completely ignores lighting and is at full brightness.
  3. Do you think you could make a version of the NLS-3 tank that has an orange intertank? I like using as an LRB tank, but it looks awkward with the intertank that's there. Just a suggestion though
  4. Do you think you could add the LC-34 service tower? There's already the launch stand and service tower pedestal, just not the service tower itself.
  5. My detailed recreation of the LK. Tantares is a great base for things. https://imgur.com/a/Z2ofvIu
  6. I'm trying to add a new B9 part switch texture to a part, but it keeps running into a problem. The part is the OV-100B cockpit from SOCK, and when I added a new subtype to the cockpit texture, it broke the name types and they all appear together, and the new subtype doesn't appear. How do I fix this?
  7. I think it'd be great if the N1 had a half-black, half-white color scheme like the real one.
  8. https://imgur.com/a/di9pyvp This doesn't use all that many BDB parts, but it's a (semi) recreation of the LSAM from For All Mankind. I think an LSAM would be great to add to this mod, and even a full one isn't added, I'd like there to be more extra parts for the LEM, like its dish antennas, ascent stage tanks, or even just the forward cylindrical part of the ascent stage! It would allow for more kitbashing, and I believe it would be a great addition.
  9. What if it could be a part-switch? Have a switch for the normal capsule, and another with the cutout for the parachute?
  10. Hi, I can't find the A-USD tanks from the Vostok tutorial on the wiki. Are they a separate mod, or have they been renamed at some point?
  11. No. While I can't seem to able to add images, the starship seems to match its real dimensions of around 10m across, and 50m long, the space shuttle from SOCK is only around 13.7m wide, and 22m long, including the wings. The starship is massively over-scaled in comparison.
  12. Is there a way to make the parts scaled more like BDB or SOCK?
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