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Fizzlebop Smith

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Everything posted by Fizzlebop Smith

  1. Thank you for this. I made a post last night trying to this very thing... This is very awesome. Thank you everyone for the designs
  2. I see so few post regarding the "random" aspect of KSP1. Using variables, flags or whatever magic the code stingers conjured to create a rich new play through every single time. The steady progression of Missions in For Science! Is wonderful at instructing newer players. However, once you have completed (all) those mission profiles, there is little incentive to start a fresh game. In the real world they take autonomous sample with probe lander. A few fragments of space dust. We lack the capabilites to fly living beings interstellar distances & return. The part that career mode had, that I find most fundamental.. Contracts once my unmanned probed skipped through a system the first time.. I would get a selection of missions that I could actually "Choose" afterward. These missions would be randomly generated by the various science available. Ibcould examine my current tech tree & see which may be possible. So, even though the Jool system may be the exact same every time I play the game... the predecessor used missions in a way that would repeat the big milestone missions but offered a mix of missions that would help 'encourage' the next step of exploration. Part of exploration is exciting and the original was able to provide that experience with every new playthrough. Please keep adding cool new experiments for the herbs to do... really wanna take some reading near a black hole. I feel the simplification of the base game is good. You can make the Playable experience more intuitive & easier manage while still keeping For Science! as a spiritual successor of Career. I imagine there will continue to be improvements along the Way like OP said.. it's just not a priority next to the revolutionary stuff like Colonies and Multiplayer. I get it. I was 10 years late in discovering KSP1. I can wait a little while for 2
  3. This seems to be my biggest hang up as well... not the lack of UI (as needed as It is)... but a deep seeded fear that the parts of KSP1 that truly dazzled me will be canned in order to appeal to a much wider market demographic. I know multi-player & colonies have been the major Wishlist since KSP1 started inspiring a whole generation kids to go into STEM fields. I will keep my frustrations checked, in the hopes that the new paradigm works... 3+ year Early Release Period w/ community feed back has produced a couple epic games. I can always load up KSP1 to wax nostalgic
  4. https://imgur.com/a/VUDFXxo It is a little bit more cumbersome to post here. I was setting up an Imgur Album and fell asleep. I have posted several early game designs on KSPBuilds as Zebulon. "For some reason the folks over at Seans Cannary decided it would be great promotional material for CKS to perform a targeted re-entry and hit a small parking lot size target zone. The folks over at CKS are used to aiming for the Ocean! Director Urgel said it would be good public imagery (Lots of KER-Bling) to assisst in this Kerbalese Icon. 3 Sub orbital hops & 2 orbital re-entries later and we have lots of pictures but none on actually 'LANDED' on the target zone. Who would have thought the lander can had to land on the parcel of land intended. Val brought in a picture of the Kerbo-lite Flyer with some crayon scribbles that eventually led to the beautiful Kamper Kan AeroFlight series line. Luckily the folks over at the Cannery were so impressed with Val's landing, they didn't care that the photoshoot was at the bottom of Kappy Rock." (Warning deployment of Chutes at max speed makes it quite difficult to hit the LZ. Approach with reduced Speed and pull up hard & kill thrust right before target. May take a couple Reloads) This takes a long times to reach the specified target zones. Pull prograde vector indicator on the Nav Ball 5 degrees above the horizon and hit 3x warp. Monitor occasionally. At 8k meters the vessel will dip and pick up speed. Return to x1 speed and repeat until you are close enough to line up approach with LZ Copy to ClipBoard Here: KSP Builds - Kamper Kan_Mk1
  5. So the problem is... a soft crash? My processes do not spool up but it fails to load all the parts in the VAB. Then the window will appear to tell me the game is not responding. If i wait a little while it will eventually respond. It responds piecemmeal, loading chunks at a time with a couple iterations of the 'not responding' .. But it will eventually load. The only reason i think it is this particular mod is because this issue does not present without the mod. Thought it might have something to do with the patch manager changers to the new SW / BEP. Not really something i have encountered before with mod troubleshooting. Usually i can use the 'find next' feature in an editor and use the mod name to find some strings that give my Google-Fu a chance. I really don't know what is going on though. I was messing around and had a ton of presets made / deleting them wholesale.. the first time it happened. Im going to try a fresh load of the mod and see if the issue persists. Sorry Im rambling . .. Good Luck & Happy Hunting. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q3jCJtasaSPGdoyOb13rfZJK_Ycl6x0w/view?usp=sharing [Tested it on a fresh install of the mod and still get the endless circle while it takes 5-7 minutes to load the VAB.]
  6. Thank you. I am new to this part of the game and seem to forget that part. The site that you led me to will have a ton of uses in the future, but this instance is says I need to be premium. The past size exceeds the 512KB text limit of free tier users. But, I did go back and change the file from restricted to public. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uawiPCEdfFx9UA8FAgglJogrOCMWg8VG/view?usp=sharing
  7. I implore some of you out there with these truly amazing designs... I am hoping some people can post craft with low R&D requirements. I know this exchange often is place for accolades on the 30 hours you dropped into tweaking and perfecting that amazing SSTO or Exploration Vessel. There is little available to those of us having difficulty with some of Missions provided in Exploration Mode. These are the big-ticket science unlocks that allow chunks of the Tech Tree to be gobbled up or drive that focused direction getting you to the next one. This post is an effort to draw in some craft designs that newer players can use to discover the LOVE of MOAR boosters and Kerbaling through space. It is easy to be discouraged by the complexity of Design / Implementation with Drag Mechanics. I know there are a wealth of resources in Blog & Vlog formats but help me bring ready to use craft to the newer players experience KSP for the first time. KSPBuilds.com (Zebulon) is an awesome medium for exchange but lacks a public manner for me to reach out to community members in this way. I hope this gains enough traction that I can at least get one SSTO that I'm capable of pasting into the VAB .. 1500 hours into KSP1 before my rudimentary SSTO's began to function as intended.
  8. This is frigging amazing, Thank you for filling this much needed QOL element! I wish that this was part of the core game. I believe this mod is responsible for crashing the game when i enter into the VAB. It ONLY occurs when going into the VAB, will resolve itself if i select the option 'wait for application to respond' a few times .. VS the 'close' now option. I am not fully certain that this mod is responsible, but the problem is resolved when all associated files are scrubbed. This development is only with the MOST current version of BEPinEx / SpaceWarp. If i do a full roll back of the dependencies related to the mod, it seems to return to functionality. I do not fully understand most of what appears in the Log. That is why i am not 100% certain what the issue. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uawiPCEdfFx9UA8FAgglJogrOCMWg8VG/view?usp=drive_link
  9. I can attest to the same issue. F1 no longer accesses the Mods Manager GUI Content is still loaded & Keybinding to open GUI for specific Mods work as normal You can open the in game settings menu and still find all the toggleable feature there (Albeit the UI scaling in that particular window is FUBAR'd for me)
  10. This sums up *what* the spirit of exploration mode should entail. Thank you so much for the articulate comment
  11. I think that worked. Followed the instructions but did not know if i needed a new link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tPel8QPA7bQq4vd5Ew0dItn8UdJ2b3ZD/view?usp=sharing
  12. I feel the same way. I want science to be a great deal more important than it currently is. I hope more experiments will come out with updates. More reasons to investigate specific biomes. I want the Kerbnet system with Anomaly detection to exist and broaden to include space... Gather science around a black hole. I also miss the aspect that procedurally generated content brought to the experience. Including more missions with each subsequent update... even allow community shared and driven content isn't the same as having random missions appear and getting to select which ones you want to pursue. It allowed MODs to lean into the contract aspect which ... Encourages a rich unique play through every time, I agree that those Missions that are core should be a part. Just makes sense that space companies would take contracts for payload delivery and Datuhz collections.
  13. I love the idea of this mod and must admit I've only been exploring the Kerbular system for about 8 months now. I have 1500 logged into KSP1 and used the Nav HUD for most of my experience. I cannot offer any insights into QOL improvements of this mod because i came to the party a bit late. I am greatly looking forward to an update that is compatible with for science. I feel the modding community is what makes game like this incredible. I mean they have a pretty spectacular foundation, but there are a very small QOL mods that i could not play KSP1 without. I find myself now adding a HUD to the list. Why did they not implement something like this and FULL IVA - external camera / systems integrations. They do have a lot on their plate and i will refrain from too heavy of judgment... Because the wonderful modding community fixes that kind of stuff for them.
  14. I am a fan of Career mode from KSP but am slowly coming around to the idea of a single mode to unite them all... however I think this should be accomished with sliders & boxes through the games difficulty interface. I like early Game difficulty centered around currency limitations & the efficiency of design through graduated part limitations. Most of all I am a fan of Contracts. The procedurally generated kind that continue to add spice to the system. I personally feel that Contracts as a supplement to Missions would be off the planet. Space X & NASA will take contract work, KSC should as well. There seems to be little structure with regard where to solicit these suggestions. Many are repeated enough that I'm sure they gain traction, others not sure.
  15. if you feel up to playing with mods.. one of the community fixes allow users to enable *debug mode which re-enables the teleport functionality in exploration mode.
  16. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tPel8QPA7bQq4vd5Ew0dItn8UdJ2b3ZD/view?usp=drive_link I could not locate it in the Log folder directly and think that is why i missed it. Thank you for that.. i was able to search the root directory for filename and found it tucked away in a subfolder. I ran KSP over and over removing mods a little at a time. I hope that is the right one. Pretty sure the issue is a conflict between mods that i have installed just not sure where the conflict is. Any insight you can provide is appreciated.
  17. i do not have access to a numpad, and cannot find the listing in the key bindings section for Steering. It is a nightmare to have a vehicle with reaction wheels & actually wheels. Am i missing something? I am pretty new to this game and often feel stupid when something that should have been obvious finally presents understanding.
  18. I am not very experienced in modding. I have just enough experience to completely wreck excrements beyond my ability to repair. How to i acquire the specific log that is helpful to the developers of mods? In this case Kerbal Health is crashing my GUI with a soft lock. (No Game related GUI interaction). Depending on what mods I have installed (Parsing Sections at a time) this may result in a complete lock of all buttons even Toolbar / Alt+f12 (I can always press Alt-F12 once but cannot open a second time if I close ) The part of the scrolling i can see resembles this a great deal I don't even know what this is... · Issue #169 · GarwelGarwel/KerbalHealth (github.com) I found the log folders but none of the ones inside appear to have the strings associated with the crash. i do not have the logs and since resolved the issue by removing Health mod, but am amped to try it. I will gladly reload the mod to acquire logs & try to get a resolution to my issue. I know it is a conflict between mods bc IF the dev still feel up to maintaining this mod in the face of KSP2 AND some kind people can tell me how to produce those log files
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