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Everything posted by kspbutitscursed

  1. three calories is confused by the amount of parts and the scope of nertas stockalike station parts redux @TwoCalories wins!!!!!! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do
  2. Hi everyone i and wondereing if i could have some pointers for making some RO cofigs for Tundra exploration? i have never made configs before so i will need a lot of helpful tips this is what i have so far // Stage 1 tank @PART[TE_19_F9_S1_Tank]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] { %RSSROConfig = True @rescaleFactor = 1.645 @mass = 60.275 @title = Falcon 9 First stage tank. @description = A Large tank suitable for launching largeish payloads on it and being reused, warning warrenty void after 30 flights @manufacturer = SpaceX !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] { } MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = 2715931 basemass = -1 type = TANK { name = RP-1 amount = maxAmount = } TANK { name = LqdOxygen amount = maxAmount = } } !RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 5000 maxAmount = 5000 } }
  3. Question: I am trying to kearn how to make RO configs for Tundra Exploration and i am trying to do the first stage tank for Falcon 9 and i was wondering how to do non cryogenic tanks Thanks KBIC
  4. LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO downloading tonight i might learn to make RO compatibility patches how hard could that be.............
  5. the structually sound ksp 2 rocket crashes harder than the chinese shenzou capsule upon landing @Kimera Industries wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  6. they never showed us the double decker cheeseburgers so how do we know theyre real
  7. deddly your meant to do the duel thing rockk paper scisors anything you want to do
  8. Hello, 

    I am Kspbutitscursed also known as AllThingsSpace33 on twitter, i am an australian and enjoy spaceflight in general 

    this is my first time using this system.

    signature below to make my actual signature shorter

     In February 2023 I experienced my first kraken attack on the first flight of a new science mode save Jeb was flying the MK1 the first rocket of the series the mission was a success or was it I was time warp down and the kraken attacked I was shot out of the solar system at an incredible speed, as of the time of writing some people at the KSC say that too this hour jeb is still floating in space.



  9. @Gargamel i was wondering how to make an status update? nvm i worked it out
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