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Sylvi Fisthaug

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Everything posted by Sylvi Fisthaug

  1. I love Beam.NG, but yes. Rockets should have soft body physics only if the tanks suddenly depressurize suddenly on the launchpad. Think soda can! You can stand on it while unopened, if empty can't handle much weight.
  2. Hello from Norway! Where in Russia do you live? Have you been to northern norway where our borders meet?
  3. Indeed! To be fair, Nate did state something along those similar lines in the mentioned Dev Update, so it will probably be fixed sooner rather than later.
  4. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 22H2 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz | GPU: 3070 TI | RAM: 32,0 GB 3600 mhz (operating at 3200 mhz) cl17 Specs: This I haven't succesfully been able to reproduce yet. I tried with a test craft, quitting to main menu, opting yes on popup window asking to save, and reloading the save from the main menu again. This happened earlier today, as I finished my construction session for the time being. I left the craft in the VAB, saved before quitting the game, reloaded save later with the same craft fin the VAB, and all struts vere severely broken. They appear fine from the VAB and show up after launching craft, but they don't seem attached to anything. When launching the craft, it violently shakes it self apart from the SROBs, and the struts seem attached to SROBs but not the node at the core. I promise that the craft was not wobbly earlier, but now struts don't really work. SROBs seem to be fine in second launch though. Steps to reproduce To be investigated further. Included Attachments: Jool5traveller.json
  5. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 22H2 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz | GPU: 3070 TI | RAM: 32,0 GB 3600 mhz (operating at 3200 mhz) cl17 Specs: This bug is a bit tricky to reproduce. It applies for fuel lines as well, as they are based on the same placement mechanic as struts. If you end up fiddling around with the symmetry in the right wrong way while placing them, they leave behind initial placement parts as described above. Steps to reproduce Choose high count symmetry. Place struts Choose lower count symmetry Grab the last placed node Place it again Pick up the last placed node again, and delete it. The nodes left behind is still placed in original symmetry, but the symmetry does not apply anymore. As shown in the video below, they will have to be removed one by one, regardless of chosen symmetry. They all do disappear at launch though. Possible fix This didn't really fix the issue in my opinion, to me it appears that you are just blocked from changing symmetry while "holding" a strut. A possible fix to the bug described above, could be that you are allowed to change symmetry when selecting a strut or fuel line from the part manager, but will be blocked from changing it after placing the first node. Included Attachments:
  6. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 22H2 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz | GPU: 3070 TI | RAM: 32,0 GB 3600 mhz (operating at 3200 mhz) cl17 Specs: Title: ctrl+z renders struts/fuel lines invisible in the VAB. Steps to replicate: Place struts in VAB Place another part ctrl+z placement of part from number 2 struts disappear This bug is purely visual, as struts/fuel lines is visible again at launch, and functions as normal.
  7. Hello! I have amassed almost 500 hours in both games now, and I've just gotten something to Duna once, a little Huygens-style probe. It did not return... pretty neat stuff!
  8. I agree on this a lot. When the game is in a better state at some point in the future, stuff will probably cool down a bit.
  9. But fixing this control surface issue will fix SAS gently cradling rockets in space as well, right?
  10. Holy, I need to explore Kerbin more! Glad that you couldn't get that scratch out of your fingers, and started building again! Maybe I should try the same, but after my Apollo style lander refused to dock after rendezvousing with my orbiter I am scared to touch my stations... maybe one day!
  11. Yeees! Struts. My biggest pet peeve right now, especially because we need them so much, and they did actually get worse after the update... not even able to change the symmetry of them when they are selected! And fuel lines are excactly the same. Oh well, here's hoping for the next patch. Indeed! Me as well.
  12. Matt Lowne published a video on wobbly rockets today, linked below. But he also made a statement on how he feels about the term where something is described as very "kerbal". He heavily disagrees with this definition of the term, bringing up examples like the different parts, especially the R.A.P.I.E.R. engines which humans haven't come close to inventing yet. He also talks about the methalox engines which are 100% reliable, have very sensitive throttle controls, and can be fired up again countless times in atmospheres and in a vacuum. He points out that they are not at all incompetent but rather overambitious and sometimes disregard some of the safety precautions. And that this, which he feels is highlighted in the KSP2 early access launch trailer, resonates with the players themselves taking high-risk approaches to complete missions. This comes out from the "upNate", Nate's dev update, from a few weeks ago: This moves on to the main topic of the video again, which is already highlighted in at least one active thread here on the forums. But I agree with Matt here. And I would like to suggest that the developers also move away from "the funny little green men who can't design rockets" approach. I haven't tapped into this discussion below this particular "upNate", but I imagine a lot of that discussion was on this particular statement. So what do you think? What does describing something as "kerbal" mean to you?
  13. Will do some investigation in how to replicate soon.
  14. This does indeed seem similar to bugs I've had in flight after decoupling. Might be that the new patch have done something to decoupling events, both docking ports and decouplers/stack separators. Sure looks spectacular though.
  15. Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 22H2 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz | GPU: 3070 TI | RAM: 32 GB I've seen a few other people having similar issues. So far it has only happened to me after decoupling something, if I can recall it correctly. Been able to replicate it with attached craft file. After decoupling a few stages, the craft will in its final orbital insertion stage disassemble after burning for a short while. All the parts are noncollidable, and camera will not center on the command pod. Only seems to happen in atmosphere. I'll post a few more screenshots in the comment. Included Attachments: disassembly.json
  16. Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 22H2 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz | GPU: 3070 TI | RAM: 32 GB Title. Not just on craft, just picking up the landing gear alone shows the same jitteriness. Present in the VAB and in flight, even just the single landing gear. Should easily be able to reproduce. Included Attachments: KerbalSpaceProgram22023_06.27-22_15_08_05.mp4
  17. Said individual used a JUICE replica and made a replica mission, including all the gravity assists. But yes, space tourism with hydrogen balls is a bit too easy right now. To each and everyone's choice, one can make it easier for oneself, or spend a lot of time making a beautiful craft that won't necessarily fly (me).
  18. I have built four stations, and I know of at least one who have made a grand tour of the Jool system and gotten back to Kerbin. I don't think everyone who does that kind of mission posts about it.
  19. Do you play without the glorious music?? Oh I will definitely keep my hands of my stations into a potential hotfix is released.
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