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Sylvi Fisthaug

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Everything posted by Sylvi Fisthaug

  1. There probably always has been. But as the thread starter stated here, after KSP2 it has become much worse. I think each and everyone of us just wants it to stop, and stay together in supporting the developers in making a great game, and in turn make these forums a better place to be. We all agree on the game being a mess. But we don't agree on how critiscism is being thrown around on the forums, or how this critiscism is responded to by the other party. I just want it all to stop.
  2. I intended to mention this in my post, but it was 3AM and the birds were singing. Sorry.
  3. Yes, I have tried to design a shuttle several times on different saves, just to have all craft files destroyed by a bug that causes subassemblies attached together vertically to end up in the floor of the VAB when reverting to it from flight. This is the main reason I stopped playing this week. But I talk to the bug hunter about the bugs instead, and try to post or add to the bug reports in the bug reports section in the forums. I feel this will help much more thant to just post old critiscism about the game. The game have to be critizised in it's current state, but I still believe that the developers will make and finish off a great product in the not-so-endless time they've got, as you stated. Yes, as this is my opinion, and I'm entitled to it. This thread is also about the forums in general and not about the game, so mentioning the game in my post would be straying off topic. Also, I mentioned the game here: I don't see the need to mention it again in the second post. My post is not about the people 'bashing' the game either, it is about many of the replies I see here, and probably some of the replies that have been removed. But a lot of the replies that got modded away into the realm of snipping, probably isn't entirely from the "bashers" either. This is just pure speculation though.
  4. This is the exact grumbling I am talking about. It doesn't gather much attention from neither the developers, nor the community. All I see is a small group of people overflowing the forums with the same arguments over and over again. Eventually the echo will fall for deaf ears. This grumbling makes this forum a lesser place to be for me, for the "cheerers" of the game, for all of the people grumbling, for the devs and for the people sitting on the fence looking at all of us like @LittleBitMore have done before today. As you are stating, the grumbling is helpless. Which always makes me wonder why anyone will continue the grumbling. This only drags people who will belittle other people into the debate, which in turn pulls trolls and bigots into the forums, searing them with obnocious flamebaiting and in turn just degrading the general vibe of the forums. (for the record, I don't consider you or any of the other people who have posted in this thread as bigots, nor obnoxious.) I like it here. But I also dislike being here sometimes. I just want someone to help me make these forums a better place to be, and not spend my time combatting people, who in my own opinion, make them a lesser place to be.
  5. @LittleBitMore Thank you for writing this! I am still sad that most replies under here does not fit under the umbrella named "constructive critiscism" of neither your post, nor the game. A lot of those beautiful, sleep deprived words from a state of emotion really went lost in all that translation. I came to these forums shortly after I bought KSP2 in March sometime, and I don't always like to be a part of this community. In a lot of the replies here I don't see "I want to enjoy the game, but this and this bug..." or "I love how beautiful the sunrise is but I'm getting 5 fps and this is annoying" or "I feel the $50 asking price for an EA is a bit stiff". I see the same arguments, but wrapped around a brick that is time and time again thrown into the windows of the offices in Seattle. Throwing bricks through winows only leads the people inside to bar the windows. Also there will probably be some people turning up on the streets outside who strongly disagree to the throwing of said bricks, and then you've got an argument that nobody wants to take part in, and yaddiyaddiyaddi you get my point. All I see is someone beating the dead horse over and over again (not my words, stolen from someplace on these forums), and of course someone who percieves themselves as a shining knight of light and brilliance have to come from the darkness and say "you are awful for throwing those bricks, and I also disagree with what you wrote on the notes wrapped around them!" There definitely is people on both sides of this raging wildfire here that should stop "fanning the flames" as you wrote in your post, @LittleBitMore. I have probably (definitely) responded to some posts here that I shouldn't, and have probably (yes, definitely) written some words I shouldn't. Some of those words also got that infamous "[snip]" If you don't want your critiscism to turn into bickering where some random person on the internet belittles you of your opinion, try wrapping that opinion into some nice words. Give critiscism to the developers (and indeed, there should be critiscism delivered regarding the state of the game and what the dev posts were written about in the beginning) by talking about something you like about KSP2, list all the things you think should be better (which indeed is a lot of things), and then finish off on a good vibe of some sort. Two days ago I got so fed up by playing KSP2 that I quit, and I haven't touched it since. The VAB is not a nice place to be right now. I have looked in the bug reports sections to see if my bugs have been reported, and hung out in the KSP2_general channel on the discord where our, as of right now, only bug hunter @Anth12 is a regular. In the chat we talk about the state of the game, how much we'd like it to be better and lots of other stuff, and it is generally a very nice place to be. But to make a point of this little digression, about once or twice a day, someone just posts a screenshot of the player count, like some kind of a "gotcha" (not my words). Of course we will belittle the fiftysixth person to post that. We have seen it before and we are tired of debating it or defending it. The same way some of you are tired of defending your opinion from probably people like me. But I truly just strive to make this forum a better place, because stating the same tired and old arguments about the game being bad, and trolling or flamebaiting the people who do this, only makes it a lesser place to be in.
  6. Then why do you state so firmly about the code here? I found some source material on this after digging a bit. This thread probably also highlights how much cleaning the code of KSP1 needs. Why, you say? Because it's a damn complex game to build. KSP2 even more so. I feel just posting complaints of the game for the heck of it without looking at source material before stating opinion as facts will not make the discussions here more pleasant. Also this thread here provides good insight in how all of our posts here in the threads below the "UpNates" have been percieved lately. Take a look!
  7. Never said it was better. What vague improbable possibilities are you alluding to? Do you have knowledge to the code of both games? Have you written any mods that I do not know about, or have you digged deep in the code?
  8. It's a new game. By remaking it instead of just copying the old one will give the engineers more opportunity to expand on the code later. Expanding on KSP1's code to enhance the vanilla experience is not necessarily that easy, and it undermines the purpose of making a sequel. It's simpler to create your own content rather than relying on someone else's groundwork.
  9. Thank you for a great update, Nate! Looking forward to the next one.
  10. Chemical science seems to sometimes be about some intentional explosions, and not wanting the unintentional ones. Much like what the first scientists of Rocket Propellant had to endure. Welcome to the forums!
  11. Ok, I didn't even think about action groups! I will do this for my next launch, possibly the truss assembly and the reaction wheel module! Time will tell
  12. Right clicking on the stations now takes years and I am not got at looking for things, so I will probably look for it in the VAB. Or is it only available in-flight...?
  13. Thank you! But I have not found hibernation mode in the part menu of the probes on KSP2... but at least SAS will help! Do you know where the setting to turn on hibernation mode is? And I will add WAY more batteries and some solar panels or nuclear reactor things as well haha, this might help a lot!
  14. Rebuilding stations Construction failure? Here it is! KB-2 vol. 2 is assembled, missing only the fuel tanks to be a proper fuel depot in Munar orbit! The station bus is redesigned again, and the solar array now closely resembles the "helicopter" of Skylab. Probably one of the prettiest space stations in my opinion. Below you will find the story of contruction, in non-mobile friendly view as always! Triple transit So... you remember this? The double assembly transit? Yeah... this did not go so well. I launched a third rocket, the "lazy" build of my fuel assembly from the last post. It didn't have enough DeltaV to get to the Mun, so I figured I would just refuel it at KB-1. I didn't want to spend any of the fuel in the tanks I was going to dock to KB-2. ANYWAY... I parked it in LKO to go back to my two other assemblies as they were approaching the Mun... And the truss assembly had run out of Electric Charge! I had not added solar panels or extra batteries to it, and the probe core spent all of that internal battery juice in transit. So I had to start a rescue mission, as the Trajectory Bug caused it to be on crash course with the Mun. The solar array and monopropellant tank Luckily I had left the solar panels on the solar array extended after testing it in transit from Kerbin. The second stage launch vehicle still had EC, so I stowed the solar panels and let it drift towards the Mun to check back on my methalox tank assembly orbiting Kerbin... And would you guess it, it was out of electric charge! Luckily, I added some docking ports to the tank, so I should be able to launch a small vessel with some undockable batteries with solar panels I can just dock to it, and then rendezvous with KB-1 for refueling. After some swearing and angry rambling, I switched back to my stowed solar assembly parked in Munar orbit. Uhm, yeah. It was out of electric charge. Regarding the rescue mission, I now had TWO uncontrollable vehicles on its way to the Mun, one on gravity assist escape trajectory from the Kerbin System, and one on crash trajectory. I had to choose... I only had one station tug with powerful methalox engines, and did not have the time to rescue both craft. So one had to go. As the truss assembly had to be docked TO the solar array-monoprop assembly, I had to choose the Solar array with the monopropellant tank. The rescue mission I docked to the 2nd stage via the Solar Array, and was then able to decouple the Solar array from the 2nd stage, after slowing it down to circular Munar orbit. I realized to late that I could've just opened the Solar array panels to charge the vehicle once docked... oh well. Now I had some uncontrolled space junk floating around the Mun, and I wanted to get rid of it! So i undocked the Solar Array and monoprop, eased my "Beef" station tug to the 2nd stage, and PUSHED it out of orbit to crashing trajectory. Then I sped up again with the station tug, and rendesvouzed again to the Solar array. Complicated, I know. Then I was finally able to dock 1 out of 3 parts to KB-2. But it felt completed! Suddenly it had that proper Skylab feel with the windmil-esque solar panels, and just needed to attach the fuel tanks to be a proper fuel depot! But the station itself was complete, and is now ready to be manned. Jeb, Val, and Bill are dying to see the Mun, but Val is also a little annoyed, as she will have to pick up Gregmond, who is still happily orbiting on the failed version of KB-2 in higher Munar orbit, cursed by the Kraken. Design choices So this time I redesigned the station bus again. I wanted it to hold more crew, and had never used one of the crew modules in a build. So now it was time! I still kept the old design of the two "Wayfarer" capsules on each end, added another cupola attached, and had a probe core and battery to either side. The solar array also has a battery, and some backup Methalox and fuel cells in case of bad timing with a Munar eclipse. And of course a blinking green status light to calm down Bill when he gets angsty in those Munar eclipses...The methalox "Beef" tug is now out of fuel though, so I had to do some shenanigans docking it to the right port on KB-2 for the pictures... so the design choice about leaving out the necessities didn't work out that well. I should send some Methalox to the Mun before sending the heavy Hydrogen tanks over! So that was it! The next blog post will probably highlight the tedious launch process of the hydrogen tanks... oh well. That time, that sorrow, which is an old Norwegian saying! Have a good rest of the weekend! Sylvi, out.
  15. Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Pro version 22H2 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz | GPU: 3070 TI | RAM: 32,0 GB 3600 mhz (operating at 3200 mhz) cl17 Not sure if able to reproduce, third time it has happened that I know of. Yesterday I tried building an Energia rocket for my shuttle. Trying to attach the side booster subassemblies to the main booster caused the side boosters in pairs (2) to violently shake on the screen. Attaching them in said state caused them to multiply into chaos. Loaded up said craft file today, the subassemblies have collapsed below the floor of the vab, and parts are no longer attached together. Video Showing part of the Craft in/on the ground in separate parts : Untitledvideo(4).mp4 Craft File Broken: AutoSaveMoresafeflying03_06.202311.01.json
  16. Oh, it is not spelled hypergholic? Thanks! Edited it now, just always sounded like that was what Scott Manley was saying! Yeah, I meant those types of fuels! uhm so... yeah. New update soon, I guess!
  17. [snip] Ok, sorry for making you feel this way. Feel free to highlight sentences or something else about my post where I make you feel this way. I always like learning new things, and I try to strive for being better every day. I have no idea if my post encourages healthy debate [snip]. Anyway... feel free to quote my posts! Didn't see your reply before now, as I didn't get any notifications. Here I agree with you wholeheartedly. In my opinion, a "like" from anyone of the community managers would make wonders in the bug section. Does not take any time what so ever from importan game dev work. Also means that they have read your post, and does not give any information regarding which dev doing what work. A community manager reading my post would at least make me happy.
  18. All hail @Anth12! Could this maaaybe be related to forum maintenance?
  19. Construction of KB-2 A small update I had never heard about the word "cadence" before Nate used it describing the timing of their updates. Now it is one of my favorite words, just below Scott Manley saying "hypergolic" on my Word Tier List. This post might improve my own update cadence on this thread. Probably speaking too soon, but oh well. I really regret not adding fuel lines within my fuel tank truss section here, like @BechMeister did in his Kerbin orbital station: But oh well, he also highlights that they bugged out. They still look very cool in my opinion! His space station K.G.01 is displayed in all its glory on the right here in this forum post. Another update on the construction, I am doing some lazy approaches. First, I'm trying to launch stuff in succession to the mun. Second, I am building lazy launch assemblies in order to get the most stuff as possible to the Mun in one go. 118 tonnes, but my launch vehicle seems to be pretty capable! I'll share a craft file here if anyone's interested. Images relevant here below: To the right here is a good picture showcasing @BechMeisters K.G.01: Fly safe, Kerbonauts! Establishing traffic of station assemblies: Lazy launch assembly: The launcher! simple XL build:
  20. I'm regretting not having fuel lines through my fuel tank structure now, after I already have burned for a Mun intercept This looks way to good! The shield thing is great, generates power AND hinders heating of your space station! Good for stopping the hydrogen boiling off, lol Oh yeah I gave up this almost immediately lol
  21. I AM IN THE HIGHLIGHTS so happy. You can ping me here as well if you want to, Dakota, it is ok Fantastic creations by everone! This highlights that we need some sort of coating or skids for craft to land on, so we don't always have to rely on wheels or landing legs!
  22. Me too. I sort of like being able to scroll, but the way it opens the entire group of parts induces a lot of unnecessary scrolling. And they NEED to find a way to reduce loading times of ALL the parts on your vessel. Unless interstellar parts are much bigger, opening part manager will take at least 15 seconds or more, which is at least 14.5 seconds too long. My space stations is a hazzle during docking, I spend minutes in total waiting for the part manager to load. Having two options to choose from (old and new part manager) in the options, should be implemented.
  23. This does not respond to @Periple's argument, here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This falls short under assuming that the dev team does not have a public tracker at all. Also, I feel that you assume the dev team does indeed have an internal bug tracker, here: EDIT: confirmed here by Dakota: (probably not first time confirmed, but oh well) [snip] Like @cocoscacao said: This is important. Cheering and booing game mechanics is an ability we have here which should be cherished. But I have seen some of the "booers" pointing fingers at some of the devs, and especially Nate. And then the "cheerers" seem to personally attack the "booers" who do this, which then alone heightens the temperature of the discussion. Both arguments here are just as important, but especially the "cheerers" one. In general, the environment here below this weeks dev post seems healthier, at least by my own eyes. But we can always strive to be better. Especially including myself.
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