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RUD Everyday

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Everything posted by RUD Everyday

  1. Is this getting updated to Spacewarp 2.0 soon?
  2. Could you provide coordanites for these?
  3. I believe that certain events can only be triggered by a Exploration Mode save.
  4. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel Core i5 8th Gen | GPU: AMD 5700 XT | RAM: 16.0 GB During a flight to complete one of my objectives, I ran the Radiation survey in Kerbins Atmosphere and the description of the results read Generic Default text for Data. Running Radiation experiment in LKO also produces no description of the experiment. Space Peacock note: List of all reported experiments that currently have the 'generic default text for data': Radiation Measurement, Kerbin Atmosphere Radiation Measurement, Kerbin Low Orbit Radiation Measurement, Pol Low Orbit Radiation Measurement, Duna High Orbit Included Attachments:
  5. Back at the golden mun arch currently and searching for any triggers that start anything. There also does appear to be music playing there that does not play anywhere else... Nothing yet... The brightness of some of the items appear to be increasing as the Sun goes behind the Mun Arch
  6. Im thinking about going back to the Arch and checking it out for lore.
  7. No, just celebrating the player count being highest since 2.24.2023
  8. 30 minutes before the update, player count was at 200. After, it spiked to over 6000! Great News!
  9. I have just started exploring Laythe. Using science instruments, havent found anything yet. SOMETHING SPOTTED on laythe im checking it out now.
  10. The Search has offically begun. Mun is first target
  11. There is a mod for that. Its called Orbital Survey and it is on SpaceDock.
  12. 57 minutes until the gameplay charts start gping up
  13. 3 hours people until the hunt!!! I repeat, 3 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Recommended spoilers so people can read but not see what it looks like to not ruin the element of surprise
  15. This is an example of what a spoiler tag should look like:
  16. With For Science releasing tomorrow, I wanted to make a thread for people to share their findings with others. IF you find something, you must follow a few rules though... 1: Use Spoiler tags: This is so people can go through the thread without seeing pictures to not ruin the element of surprise 2: Provide a photo with location in map view: After landing, take a screenshot of where you found it and put it in your post (using a spoiler tag obviously.) 3: Help others with finding Easter Eggs If anyone finds anything, make sure to use spolier tag by clicking on the eye symbol when writing out your post of your findings.
  17. In a Dev video released a few years back on celestial archetecture, one of the devs hinted that they might sprinkle a few things on Dres in a future update. I think that going there in For Science! Could potentally be very vital to finding storyline as Dres is very forgotten so it only makes sense to throw some stuff on there.
  18. Probably start the search for easter eggs and narrative excitment and just pray something good comes up (for people reading this, I believe Dres may be a target).
  19. @Gargamel Sorry about that, Im fairly new to modding License: MIT Version 0.3 "We will find you" Added license and source code (Sorry, @Gargamel) Source Code: [link to binary DLL removed by moderator]
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