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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. Sorry to ask, but why exactly aren\'t you satisfied with that? It looks absolutely stunning to me. I very much like the novel way you\'ve added an engine at the front covered by shrouds. Even if i had the required skills to build parts, i doubt if i would have come up with such a solution.
  2. carts 1.32: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8431.0 and Bigtrack: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=9404.0
  3. Certainly! It would make the lasersystem even more éssential.
  4. They ARE read, believe me! (Devoured would be a more apropriate term)
  5. Please post the non-simplified version as well.
  6. That was what i meant. In most cases that is quite sufficient. For a really detailed map a user can use MapGen outside of KSP. At the moment the texture/map is reset every time one puts a new mapping craft over a planet. If that doesn\'t happen (and new data is added to that map/render) most people will be quite happy, i expect.
  7. Do you know anything else about that mod? (F.i. specific other parts) If you have a craft file with that specific RCS post that part here please. That is the best way i can check which RCS you require.
  8. The cable winch isn\'t animated yet but I\'ll try to find a way to make it work. The first post contains v1.0. Is that a naming error or am i looking in the wrong place?
  9. Two requests: - It\'s a pity the isa-mapsat doesnt use previously collected data. Every time you put up a new ship over Kerbin/Mun/Minmus the image is built again. It would be nice if an option would be added that would build a map from data already collected. - An option to add your own 'points of interest' (coördinates/info have to be entered by the user. Those locations should be visible on the map by a cross or a square. Perhaps this could be combined with the names/locations already assigned by the KGSS P.S. The isa-mapsat is a supurb addon!!!
  10. You also have the choice to edit the cfg in such a way that the engines are no longer unrealistic. Changing the values of thrust and fuel consumption is the easiest mod possible.
  11. I\'d like to request a new flight to one of the bases on the mun or minmus. You and/or the other participans may decide which base would benefit the most by adding a radiomast to that base. It will be a modification of this craft http://imgur.com/a/gsEbJ by Majiir. Since only one mod is allowed, it must be a dummy radiomast. Mod: Damned Robotics 1.2.
  12. A superb modification! One of those 'Now why didn\'t i think of that!' things.
  13. You\'re probably trying to extract it to a location on your (windows 7?) system where the operating system doesn\'t allow you to do so. Try another location, 'My documents' f.e. or logon to your system as administrator.
  14. It looks like a shortage of memory. The system tries to allocate memory and fails to do so. The packs have quite a large number of parts but many parts aren\'t used. You can find a list of parts which are used in the attached file (persistent.sfs.lst). I\'ve created a 'collection mod' with the used parts which you can download here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14923883/persistent.zip (96 MB). (It\'s uploading now). It contains all parts, plugins, data, original sfs file and the resulting list of parts. Download it, extract it and place it in your mods directory. You can use GME to add it to KSP (or remove it). No other mods are necessary. Make sure you have saved your own persistent.sfs at another location before you do so as that will be overwritten.
  15. I guess it doesn\'t work because you didn\'t add a Mechjeb part to your rocket after installing/adding the plugin.
  16. Based on the description you gave, i think this is the one you\'re looking for: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4435.msg61154#msg61154
  17. I didn\'t have to use the analyzer. A week ago i\'ve bought a memory upgrade and now KSP doesn\'t crash (so often) anymore.
  18. Has the terrain of Thrionian Cloria I Base been assigned a name yet? If it hasn\'t then i would suggest 'The Kermuna triangle' because some funny things are going on there! It took me several attempts. On the first two attempts the ship landed beautifully but on touching the munar surface it suddenly began to roll uncontrolably, resulting in a toppeled over lander. On the third attempt i replaced the folding solar panels with the smaller solar panels and i changed the landinglegs. The voyage wasn\'t very fortunate. After the munar injection burn, the ship was on a direct collision course with the mun. It took quite a lot of fuel to get into orbit, which was almost polar. It cost a large amount of fuel to get to orbit over the base. The ship landed safely without damage but with tanks almost dry. The ship can return to earth (after the inflatable habitat is jettisoned), provided the tank is filled again by a resupply ship. For the time being an inflatable habitat has been added to the base (for those who are unable to room in the space hotel).
  19. On the basis of the description you give it isn\'t really possible to come to a conclusion about the cause, so i have to guess. (The console (Alt-F2) most probably will provide you with the real reason why this happened). When a rocket engine overheats, a warning indicator is visible, but that doesn\'t happen when an other part is heated. You don\'t get any indication whatsoever. The most likely is therefor that some part is heated by the rocketengine exhaust. If for instance the exhaust hits an RCS tank, that tank will overheat and explode. That explosion often leads to other parts exploding as well (the heat of the explosion causes an overheat of those other parts). Check the console and things probably will become clear to you.
  20. Which OS do you use? Where did you install KSP? Do the problems occur after a restart of your computer? Is the dll in the plugins directory? A wild guess: Windows 7; on the c: drive, probably in the root; no; no. If the first two are true, move KSP to My documents and place the dll once again in the plugins subdir.
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