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Everything posted by kiverix

  1. Huh... Yeah i guess that should work. Certainely not as cool as making a shuttle that has an ET and 4 SRB's tho lol
  2. SPOCK currently has no IVA (it uses SOCK's one), there's also no good way to launch it. That's why the K-5 MilkyWay mod exists. According to the SPOCK blog page, there are balance changes that need to be done. There's also more stuff to be done that was undetermined by the dev
  3. Hello @benjee10 I wanted to ask your permission to use your APAS docking module in a mod i'm making based on the Gateway Space Station?
  4. (sorry old post) Personaly, i slapped on an external tank used o regular shuttles, slapped 4 engines on the botom of that, and added 4 shuttle SRB's (witch was overkill if i remember correctly), and mmade sure that the pathfinder tanks did not interact with the ET, so that i had a full tank of gas in pathfinder. i know its kind of a "bad" ( i guesse?) alternative for air launching, but to be fair, i played with this mod when the suttle's aerodynamics were kinda screwed (if they were always fine, i guesse i'm just a bad pilot :p)
  5. hi! i just wanted to ask how you made the patches apear on kerbal suits? i am trying to make my own space suit mod, and i see that the texture files for the emu/aces suits in your mod dont seem to have patches? i am relativley new to modding in general, so i have no clue what to look for..
  6. is the mod up to date with the newest version of the apollo LM?
  7. Could it be possible for the Discovery (Toasty) effect to be a seperate mesh, so that we can make columbia/challenger wings toasty?
  8. Hello! I was wondering if an option could be made so that the ov-100 cargo bay could open like the stock cargo bay? like both doors open at the same time, so that we could use the deploy limiter on it to make it a bit more "closed"? just a thought...
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