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Everything posted by Nikolai

  1. I'm guessing it means "The Jool system that you're used to in stock, plus more".
  2. Take as much time as you need to. I love having an elaborate retinue of moons circling gas giants to explore. You've done great work, and anything you put off until later (or even never get around to) doesn't diminish any of that in the slightest.
  3. I'm in one hundred percent agreement. I don't think you could make me more interested in your efforts if you tried. Once again, thank you so much!
  4. I felt this way without realizing I was feeling this way. Thank you so much for doing something about it! I can't wait to see what you develop!
  5. I seem to remember that Grannus had a ring of asteroids around it. Is that still the case if I install GPP_Secondary? If so, how do I go asteroid-hunting?
  6. My Kerbals follow the star in the east.
  7. According to the front page of the FreeIva mod, it works with Kerbal Planetary Base Systems if you have HabTech Props.
  8. Note that the enclosed save file has a Vulcan rocket, a core surrounded by six identical rockets arranged as radial stages (created using sixfold symmetry). On launch, one of the six radial stages burns through its fuel and oxidizer faster than the other five. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4i0vflkpso4kj6i/Identical Rockets Don't Fire At Same Rate_logs.zip?dl=0 ETA: Running on Windows 10, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.60 GHz, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Max-Q Design, no mods. To replicate, launch Vulcan (full throttle, pointed straight up), and note fuel and oxidizer readings. You can also watch as one stage empties and the rocket tips over from asymmetrical thrust. I expected all radial stages to burn through fuel and oxidizer at the same rate. I know of no workaround.
  9. Apologies if this is redundant, but saving my game en route to Mun, quitting, and reloading caused all fuel and oxidizer to disappear from all stages in my rocket. It also disappeared from the quicksave (since I chose "Save and Exit"). Rebooting did not fix the problem. My logs are at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/le3da3x5r3f77t0/No Fuel After Save and Load_logs.zip?dl=0
  10. Changing the contents of the batch file to follow Space_Moomin's suggestions worked like a charm! Thank you both very much! Now, stupid question: Where do I go to report bugs?
  11. Yes. Here are the contents of my INI file: [KSP2_BugPackager] debug=0 allInOneFile=true zipFilePath=D:\Games userName=go_4_ pathToGameDirectory=D:\Games\KSP2_win64 # Following are two examples # pathToGameDirectory=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2 # pathToGameDirectory=U:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2 pathToCampaignDirectories=C:\Users\go_4_\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer
  12. Does this only work on Steam installs or something? I tried using it for KSP2 v0.1.1.0 using the portable install; after altering KSP2_BugPackager.ini and double-clicking KSP2_BugPackager.bat, PowerShell opens quickly and then immediately closes (without asking me any questions).
  13. I've saved my craft with a certain name (Hypatia), but can't seem to find it in the Load screen. Is there something special I need to be doing to find it? ETA: The game seems to know it's there, because when I try to save a different rocket with the same name, it asks if I want to overwrite.
  14. That works in KSP 1, but that doesn't seem to work here. Right-clicking on the vessel (in map view) doesn't do anything, I want to target it so that I can look for close approaches when I try to raise my orbit. Is there some way to do that from the map view or in the tracking station while one vessel is in focus?
  15. I'm trying to try out docking in KSP2. How do I set another vessel as the target?
  16. I'm excited to play in the new and improved VAB. It seems to be where I spend most of my time in KSP; being able to construct several vessels simultaneously is a dream!
  17. I'm having a little trouble using this mod with 1.12.3; the outer planets don't show up after I install it. I don't know if it's some other mod in the way. I'll put it on a clean install and get back. ETA: It must have been some other mod. I put it on a clean install with only Kopernicus and ModuleManager, and the outer planets showed up. I'll see if I can determine which mod broke things. ETA2: I think it was the visual pack I was using (AVP). SVE seems to be well-behaved, and adding the other mods in without that seems to be going smoothly.
  18. Can confirm. I had the rainbow clouds (confirmed over several runs), and the only thing I did was install Kopernicus Bleeding Edge (release 76), and the rainbow clouds disappeared.
  19. I've seen it while attempting to grab. It doesn't seem to care if you just want to detach it.
  20. Is there a notification showing up in the center-top of the screen when you try to do that? If it exceeds the weight or volume that a single Kerbal can move, it will complain like this and not move the part.
  21. I think what Alversia was getting at is that you need to do more than just click. You need to click and drag (the part into the inventory you want it to appear in), while holding "g" down the entire time.
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