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Great Liao

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Everything posted by Great Liao

  1. Floor 4961: An amused Vsauce chuckling to himself. He proceeds to explain trinary[quantum] computing, but after 5 minutes turns into a stock image of a man holding a briefcase. He promptly falls over, revealing a sign behind him. On the sign, written in old sharpie, is: "This is a $hitpost."
  2. Floor 4563: A long hallway that looks like an abandoned school hallway. The lights are off, and it goes on fore- wait, there are two exits? Which one do I use.... Huh, this one seems to be going to the side. Should I go there. Ah, whatever. Floor 4564 can wait for the next traveler I guess. Do I really want to do this? Maybe I should document this place first, just in case. Floor 4563: A long hallway that looks like an abandoned school hallway. The lights are off, and it appears to go on forever on both sides. The doors on the sides are locked and don't open, and there are no windows, which means you need to bring a flashlight. Occasionally, one may stumble upon a staircase that says Service Staircase, which presumably leads to the next floor. One can also find a small passageway marked Plus I, which is another exit to this floor. Should I do this? Ah, screw it, what'll happen will happen. This is on the internet already. I should be fi- Huh? Why is everything... so fake? Like there's ... nothing there, but a black void. But at the same time it feels like everything is there. Where is the exit? I'm trapped, aren't I? Oh, damn it. Maybe I can find a way out of here. That's a white void there. Maybe that's another one of this chain of floors? Should I even explore these floors? The passageway had a sign saying "Plus I". Maybe I should name this floor Floor i, and the next one, 2i. It fits, the floor feels almost imaginary....
  3. When you watched the videos above ten times.
  4. Floor 4532: An endless labyrinth of drywall, occasionally interupted by a window which seems to lead to floor 4515. There are white wooden doors that swing off of a wall, with no opening behind them. There are trapdoors on the ceiling which are dusty and seem to lead to other floors, most commonly floor 3233. The air is dusty, and hasn't been cleaned in a while. Occasianally, one may stumble across the remains of food, strange liquids, and/or plastic shards. Where are you? In fact, how did you get here? Is there a way out? Are the attics safe? Can I climb higher? There's no point in turning back; quite frankly, you've forgot how to leave. The building does that to you.
  5. Floor 4514: You awake in a white void, surrounded somehow by black walls yet still bright. You realize that there is no entrance, only a small gray box out of which you presumably came. near you lies a white object, moving in an incomprehensible way. Suddenly, you feel suffocated, as if someone is pulling on your lungs. You have entered the editor's domain. The editor is presumably controlling the white object. The editor has the ability to control the entire world inside the white box. He can make walls appear and disappear, colors change, and anything else possible. A majority of people have not been able to get past this floor, as there is no apparent exit and crawling back into the gray box only leads to Floor 4513. It is presumed that Floor 4515 exists, but there is no clear way to get past this floor. Regardless, teams have reached the Floors beyond, and the editor, while all-powerful, has no power outside the floor.
  6. No, he's taking a vacation in the shadow realm. I call on the powers of the forum and summon ... @TwoCalories!
  7. Caelus is unaffected by the pair of scissors @Kimera Industries wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  8. Floor 4455: A blank room. Inside is a small model of itself. And so on. Outside the one window on this blank room, there is a white hazy large mass. Also, there is Jeb.
  9. Stars are everywhere in KSP planet packs, and I wanted to get a database for a bunch of star templates I have for modding reference. I will edit the page as I make the templates. Each will have a spoiler. I will be doing a basic M, K, G, F, A, B, and O type star. I decided to make the database public so anyone could use it, and created this forum page. Posting templates for non main sequence stars will have to be for the replies: this is my first planet pack project.
  10. Hey, nice work on the mod. Just a minor question-- Is this mod compatible with planet packs that change other parts of the system? Thank you!
  11. @kspbutitscursed Judge? Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  12. The Lion can't reach perserverance and perserverance can't reach the lion. It's a tie! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
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