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Everything posted by kaputzz

  1. That is huge, I didn't know about that mod and I'll try it out! Thank you!
  2. Oh.. At the time I wrote that, CKAN was identifying a new update for OPM... Oh well.. Thanks for your time Pood. By the way, love your calm nebula skybox.
  3. Hello guys, i found this mod interesting, but when kerbals are on vacations, i cant really see when they will be back anywhere... can I? I dont see it anywhere in the UI... thanks for the help in advance! Nevermind.. I see them in astronaut complex. I dont know what happened, but i was going to swear they weren't there...
  4. Hello, I saw the update today! thanks! are you updating the OPM Clouds too? Cheers!
  5. jesus, i really gotta study xD yes, I had a hard time finding CO2 in orbit, except when orbiting the sun itself.. for some reason.. im barely aware of these resources distribution or processes in real life, so i really need to read about it everytime.. With EL, I was going to bet the ship would be fully tanked when created in the workshop.. No?? i still have to fuel it? what? I only noticed that I would need oxydizer while the ship was under construction.. Well, regarding NF, i loved the parts, all of them: solar, exp, spacecraft, iva props,... so i downloaded the propulsion too and didnt care about the new fuels lol. it doesnt change anything else and i could easilly dismiss respective engines.. With the same logic, I was considering FFT because I still don't have mods for late-game / interstellar, if i want to make the system bigger. The problem is... If I dont have the resources processment right, I won't need them neither. so that's where i am at, with my tests.. i was trying to set up several "refineries" and see what works best for a stations and colonies in sandbox.. and still im struggling.. But thanks for all the tips. I get back to the game when I can and report back too. Thank you so much again
  6. Hello @JadeOfMaar thank you so much for answering! Im fairly new into this mods world and i'm having around 150 with kerbalism, I never know where the issues reside at times i cant tell if there's an issue at all, or is just like that. Based on what I understood, this time, everything is working as "expected"... Yes, I'm using Stockalike Mining Extension, Space Dust and SD Unbound and RR with RR Squad, RR RCS and Nuclear Family, RR EL utilities, RR Kerbalism, RR Parts and RR Companion. And I have Extraplanetary Launchpads too.. which, from what i can remember of my tests, basically allows me to harvest metal ore (everywhere, because of those Auger drills) and turn it into ships. the single resource involved is a bit of oxidizer. the ships will be crafted with full tanks.... it seemed to me. So i was considering this as a workaround for all the other processes. was just trying to have the oxidizer produced on site too.. Am I wrong? I must have missed the process to get Carbon Dioxide from Ore - or maybe the issue was finding pure Carbon, cant remember... And I certainly didnt check Duna Icecaps because I wanted to get the resource in space... Regarding your third point, I was really avoiding to have more fuels. I wish I could have only stock resources and life support to be honest - and yet here we are. I'm also using Near Future (and planning to have FF tech too). Would you recommend those fuels for any of these mods? Thank you for all your help and mods! cheers!
  7. Hello @JadeOfMaar, I'm testing some mods for a new career and I found it quite difficult to setup a typical liquid fuel/oxidizer production chain with Kerbalism and RR... At least if I had an idea of how the resources are distributed accross the planets (im using Kopernicus and OPM) it would be easier to plan when and where to setup the first colony of the playthrough and which process chains to use.. can you help?. I'm really sorry if this is offtopic.. Last time I had a chance to play I got stuck in finding Carbon Dioxide to harvest and the best concentration i got was around the Sun, which seems not a very practical place to have a "refuel station"... have a good day and thank you in advance!
  8. Hello @Caerfinon, thanks for your time helping out. Maybe what I reported is a side-effect of RealAntennas mod that I had also installed, not Kerbin Side. Tested that mod seperated and I lost all stock groundstations except for DSN (KSC, Pluto and Charon). Maybe this wasn't a problem of KerbinSide nor KK. I'm testing these 2 again tonight without Realantennas. Thank you again man
  9. Thanks to both of you! It's the second time I'm advised to change compatibility to 1.8 on ckan... But 1.8 was so long ago, I would think the authors or someone would have "flagged" it correctly as compatible to current version.. Is that on CKAN side or Mods side? Doesn't it mean the mod no longer has someone supporting it? Thanks again!
  10. Hello guys, This is a great mod, thanks for all the work. I'm trying to use this mod, but I'm having trouble setting "statics" as ground stations. I was expecting them to work just like the DSN comms. CKAN says this mod is not compatible with latest game version. Am I missing something or is this maybe another mod incompatibility? Thanks!
  11. Hello guys, can someone tell me if this mod is still functioning with current game version? CKAN says it is not! But it looks so good!! Any chance this was adopted by another modder at least? Cheers!
  12. Just to add a bit more of information... With Kerbalism, there are no errors shown to the user, the parts work, the domes appear in the map and they change in size and color, the UI also changes accordingly to Scanning oportunities. However, when we finally hit the "Scan" button, nothing happens. Kerbalism has no way to deal with this experiment due to its nature..
  13. Hello everyone, its 2023 and I still love this mod! thank you linuxguru for all your contributions that make this game so much better! I know you dont support Kerbalism in many ways, but I would love to have this mod functioning in playthroughs with Kerbalism. Who could possibly help with that? I know nothing about game mods, except for installing them. I understand Kerbalism has a different way to deal with science - we dont even have the usual keep / transmit option via dialog. I know nothing about mods, but i believe one would need to add attributes like the experiment size - data(MB) / slots (units) , for each scannable Rover science object. I believe these "new attributes" could be ignored in normal playthroughs... Would love to hear back from you or anyone who could help. Cheers!
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