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About Iapetus7342

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    Master of late responses.
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    Somewhere, i guess
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    Exploring, Science and Modding

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  1. Uninstall + reinstall first, then ensure you are on the Bleeding Edge version of KSP (currently 1.12.5).
  2. OMG, I have been thinking about this for SO LONG!!!! (nice to see someone had a similar idea!)
  3. Pro tip: Always add more ablator than you think you need. Derbin is a good example of this, although some other destinations will need it.
  4. My PC's internet keeps randomly going out, and its ONLY for my PC. My phone isn't affected by this, not my TV, not even my consoles
  5. There's usually a settings.cfg file in the mod, where you can set the homeswitch's destination. It doesn't support system replacers.
  6. Pandor's atmosphere and atmospheric composition were probably editied for player convinence and to have an actually habitable place
  7. Strange New Worlds allows you to homeswap to Kisa, a wet duna orbiting a gas giant called Poseidon. Similarly, Kcalbeloh allows you to homeswap to Efil (Life backwards), a kerbin analogue orbiting a gas giant called Anehta (Athena backwards) Avalon Planet Pack starts the player off on Avalon, a titan-like world orbiting Valaya, an ice giant.
  8. I don't think KSP was ever intended for phones tbh
  9. They should retain their radius so anything in orbit shouldn't be affected
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