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Mr. Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. Have you considered that some people don’t want discord or social media(or have) accounts? Unless that’s a joke.
  2. Tried using PostSpawnOrbit, (new horizons uses that but it is quite old), and it works! So all you do is add this little guy below the orbit-node-thing. PostSpawnOrbit { referenceBody = Erup } Just like that! Then remove referenceBody from the Orbit node.
  3. Indeed. Somehow, it feels a teeny bit like the KSP 2, specially the little sunflare with Sarkin's atmosphere.
  4. Next time tag me like so, @Mr. Kerbin, so I know you asked for help. Otherwise, I wouldn't see this! testin rn all but crashes funny, if I use duna it works. and eve
  5. I don't have any ideas but I could maybe help get it to load.
  6. The Tsar Bomba has had its power multiply many times, and the baby is obliterated. Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  7. NOW BEWARE OF THIS, THE BADMUSICTHINGINATOR! Now I can take over the tristate area with the threat of constantly listening to Baby Shark! (I don’t watch the show) A inator that can yeet people to space at 1000x the speed of light.
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