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Hank Kerman

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Everything posted by Hank Kerman

  1. I know it is gone now, but what even was the real life inspiration for the Nereid?
  2. Even KerbinSide Remastered? Dang I just wanted to have the aircraft carrier and bases from Robbaz's Kerbal Weapons Program.
  3. Since I cannot install this on CKAN, should I just install it manually. Also would it be bad if I disregard CKAN stating that it conflicts with KerbinSide Core?
  4. I have been wondering if someone had made one for OPT Legacy. Thank you! It works now. Thanks for the help!
  5. Actually it wasn't that bad IIRC. To be honest I probably should've made it one size larger since the L-1011 is a widebody.
  6. I installed TU_BD_Recolour.zip from the github and the only color that any of the parts have is red. No green or blue. Did I do something wrong? Does this not work with BDA+?
  7. I don't want to risk messing up my game by uninstalling and then reinstalling BDB, but with the link I was able to view the Delta Guide. It is pretty dang good! Thanks!
  8. Weird. I don't have a craft files folder in my BDB folder. Searched my computer and I don't have it anywhere.
  9. I press play on STEAM, KSP is opened, yet I cannot actually see it, and after a minute or two it closes. Image below is a screenshot of the loading process. I believe so...? GameData. I do seem to have SXT_BDArmoury.cfg and SubCategories_BDA.cfg installed, but that is all. However, there are some stock craft files that are included with BDArmory in the SPH and VAB that must have been brought in during my previous attempts to install this. Each time I try to install this, I select Overwrite. Did as directed. Did not work Should I just uninstall BDBNIC?
  10. Would it be wise for me to cut out some of the parts in the mod (those already covered by Tantares or BDB)? Should I just delete the CFG files or should I do it another way?
  11. Hope this helps: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yxLxDhmqzGy8VuPoMEnLFWNy-hxKti5z/view?usp=drive_link
  12. Whenever I try to install this mod via CKAN, KSP doesn't like to boot up. I don't know why but I know for certain it is only when this mod is installed.
  13. I have been struggling to get that darn ICBM silo cover to work. Can you share the files for the silo?
  14. I am guessing you got the idea of Dnepr from Scott Manley's video on the Mars greenhouse. There was an ANCIENT mod that added an underground missile silo. I have been trying to get it to work with Kerbal Konstructs, but I haven't had much luck. Some others have figured it out though, so it is possible. As for me, I would LOVE to see Big Soyuz and/or Klipper, as well as IVA upgrades.
  15. I have a similar issue, where anywhere from a few to a lot of the statics in a group are missing until I open up the Kerbal Konstructs menu and click on them. Resets each time I restart the game.
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